Smart™ 2005
for Pocket PC
User Manual
English - Europe / Australia / New Zealand
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
1. Introduction............................................................................ 5
Upgrading from Previous Version of Smart ......................... 6
2. Pocket PC Features............................................................... 8
3. Installing Smart .................................................................. 9
4. Smart Desktop................................................................. 11
5. Updating Smart ............................................................... 12
6. Installing and Removing Maps Using Smart Desktop ..... 13
7. Starting Smart.................................................................. 16
8. GPS Setup .......................................................................... 18
9. Setting your Destination ...................................................... 21
10. Using the 2D Map Screen to Plan a Route......................... 29
11. Trip Planner ......................................................................... 30
12. Viewing your Route ............................................................ 33
13. Map Screen Pop-up Menu ................................................. 39
14. Avoiding an Area ................................................................ 40
15. Route Demonstrator............................................................ 41
16. Trip Meter............................................................................ 42
17. Favourites and Quick Navs ................................................. 43
18. Settings............................................................................... 45
19. Smart Desktop Advanced Features ............................... 52
20. Continuous Continental Navigation ..................................... 57
21. Improving Performance....................................................... 59
22. Accessories ........................................................................ 60
Appendix: Street Types ............................................................ 61
Support Information ................................................................. 61
Compliance............................................................................... 64
Copyright................................................................................... 64
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
1. Introduction
Whether you travel in your own country or elsewhere, Smart will direct you to your destination without
the need for map books and second-hand instructions. The Global Positioning System (GPS) is available
free of charge, at any time, and is accurate to within 5 m (15 ft). Your Smart map provides street-level
detail for door-to-door navigation, including Points Of Interest (POIs) such as accommodation, railway
stations and airports.
Use this manual to help you install Smart, learn how to operate it effectively and safely, and discover
the range of features available to you.
Navman welcomes your feedback. To contact us or visit our website, see Support Information on page 64.
GPS and GPS Signals
The Global Positioning System `is a network of satellites that transmit accurate time and position
information worldwide. GPS receivers receive signals from these satellites and use the information to
determine an exact location.
Satellites orbit the earth at around 12,000 miles above the surface. While a GPS receiver can detect
signals from up to 12 satellites at any time, only three signals are needed to provide a position or
GPS “fix” (latitude and longitude) for vehicle navigation systems.
Smart is designed to use GPS information to find your current position, and calculate the best
route to your desired destination using the available road maps. Smart will then guide you with
voice and visual commands to your destination using the continuous stream of GPS data to track
your position.
The iCN GPS antenna receives GPS signals. To receive GPS signals, ensure that the iCN is
outdoors, or in a vehicle outdoors, and the GPS antenna has an unobstructed view of the sky. The
iCN can operate in all weather types except snowfall.
For details about reading the Smart GPS Status screen, see page 19.
Safety Notice
WARNING: In a vehicle, it is your sole responsibility to place, secure and use the Pocket PC in a
manner that will not cause accidents, personal injury or property damage. The user of this product
is solely responsible for observing safe driving practices. It is your responsibility to read and follow
the vehicle mount installation instructions and to use the product consistent with your government’s
laws/regulations. Consult the vehicle manual to ensure the mounting location is safe.
It is your sole responsibility to adhere to the following safety instructions at all times:
• Do not operate the Pocket PC while driving or place the Pocket PC in a position that obstructs
the driver’s view.
• Do not mount the Pocket PC in a way that may be distracting or interfere with the safe operation
of the vehicle, the deployment of airbags or other safety equipment.
• Do not leave the Pocket PC in view while your vehicle is unattended, especially in strong or direct
• Do not use or handle the Pocket PC when it is hot; leave it to cool, out of direct sunlight.
Failure to adhere to these instructions may lead to serious personal injury, including death,
or property damage. Navman disclaims all liability for use of the iCN that contributes to
injuries, death, property damage or violates law.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
Upgrading from Previous Version
of Smart
To upgrade your version of Smart to version 2005, you must first uninstall previous versions of
Smart Desktop from your computer and Smart from your Pocket PC. Your maps, Favourites,
Quick Navs and settings will be retained unless you are upgrading from Smart V1.90 (Product
Key: SSP-190-XXXXX-XXXXX) or 1.91 (Product Key: SSP-191-XXXXX-XXXXX).
Note: This upgrade procedure does not apply to PiN 570.
Complete the following steps to uninstall previous versions of Smart:
1. If you are upgrading Smart on a Navman PiN Pocket PC 100 or 300, go to step 6.
If you are upgrading a different model of Pocket PC, continue to step 2.
2. If you have Smart maps stored on a SD or MMC memory card, insert the memory card in your
Pocket PC or memory card reader.
3. Connect your Pocket PC to your computer using a USB cable, synchronisation cradle, or
other device that came with your Pocket PC.
• Microsoft® ActiveSync® will synchronise with your Pocket PC.
4. If you are upgrading from Smart V1.90 and 1.91 continue to step 5.
Otherwise go to step 7.
5. Versions 1.90 and 1.91 Only:
The maps supplied with Smart V1.90 and 1.91 are not compatible with Smart 2005.
Complete the following to uninstall maps from your Pocket PC and memory card.
a. Open Smart Desktop on your computer:
Start Programs Navman Smart Desktop.
b. Use Smart Desktop to uninstall all maps from your Pocket PC and memory card.
c. Close Smart Desktop.
d. Go to step 7.
6. PiN 100 and PiN 300 Only:
a. Insert the memory card that came with your PiN in to your PiN.
b. Reset the PiN by using the stylus to press the RESET button on the left side of the PiN.
c. Open File Explorer on your PiN: Start Programs File Explorer.
d. Browse to the memory card.
e. Tap and hold the 2577 folder. Select Delete from the Pop-up menu.
f. Tap and hold the Navman folder. Select Delete from the Pop-up menu.
g. Close File Explorer.
h. Reset the PiN by using the stylus to press the RESET button on the left side of the PiN.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
7. Uninstall SmartST from your Pocket PC using the Remove Programs feature in your Pocket
PC Windows® Settings panel:
Start Settings System tab Remove Programs.
8. Uninstall Navman SmartST Desktop from your computer if it has previously been installed,
using the Add or Remove Programs feature in your Windows Control Panel:
Start Control Panel Add or Remove Programs.
Refer to subsequent chapters of this user manual to install and activate Smart 2005, install new
maps and navigate to your destination.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
2. Pocket PC Features
4-Way Toggle
The style of the 4-way toggle differs between models of Pocket PC. It may be referred to as a
navigation button or navigation stick; it may be a 5-way toggle. See your Pocket PC manual to
identify the 4-way toggle.
Note: The Acer® n30 Pocket PC does not have a toggle. To use Smart, you must first assign
Button 1 to <Scroll Right and Button 4 to <Scroll Left.
See your Acer n30 manual for information on how to assign buttons.
Opens the Main Menu screen.
Cycles through the navigation screens once a route has been calculated:
• 2D Map screen
• 3D Map screen
• Next Instruction screen
• Instruction List screen.
From the 2D Map screen, enables you to zoom in to view less of the street
map, but with more detail.
From the 3D Map screen, with the Information button set to Angle,
enables you to increase the viewing angle.
From the 2D Map screen, enables you to zoom out to view more of the
street map, but with less detail.
From the 3D Map screen, with the Information button set to Angle,
enables you to decrease the viewing angle.
Use the stylus with the Pocket PC touch-screen to navigate and use the Main Menu options, set
destination addresses and configure the GPS status. See your Pocket PC manual for information
on using the stylus with the touch-screen.
Tap and hold the stylus on the 2D Map and 3D Map screens to activate the Pop-up menu.
See page 39 for information on the Pop-up menu.
Portrait vs. Landscape Screens
Microsoft Windows Mobile™ 2003 SE can display Smart in portrait or landscape mode.
This manual shows most Smart screens primarily in portrait mode; however, where landscape
mode significantly differs from portrait mode, both are shown.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
3. Installing Smart
Begin by installing Smart Desktop on your computer. Then install and register Smart on your
Pocket PC, activate and download the maps you require from Smart Desktop. You will need an
Internet connection to complete activation.
Note: Windows XP users, ensure XP Service Pack 1 or higher is installed before you install Smart Desktop.
Microsoft ActiveSync
Microsoft ActiveSync is used to establish a connection between your Pocket PC and your computer.
Smart requires ActiveSync 3.7.1 or higher, which should have been included with your Pocket PC.
See your Pocket PC user manual for more information.
Step 1. Install Smart Desktop on your
1. Close all open programs on your computer.
2. Insert the Smart CD into your computer CD-ROM drive. The Smart Desktop installer will start.
• If your computer does not automatically launch the CD, start the installation manually:
Start Run.
Type D:\Setup SmartST 2005 for Pocket PC.exe where “D” is the letter assigned to your
CD-ROM drive. Click OK.
3. Follow the screen prompts to install Smart Desktop.
• Select your preferred language for Smart Desktop when prompted.
• Review and accept the Licence Agreement for Smart Desktop when prompted.
• Select a destination folder when prompted.
Smart Desktop will open.
You are now ready to install and activate Smart on your Pocket PC.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
Step 2. Install and Activate Smart on
your Pocket PC
1. Close all open programs on your Pocket PC.
2. Connect your Pocket PC to your computer via Microsoft ActiveSync 3.7.1 or higher.
• Microsoft ActiveSync will synchronise with your Pocket PC.
3. Open Smart Desktop if it is not already open:
Start Programs Navman Smart Desktop 2005 for Pocket PC.
4. Follow the prompts to install Smart on your Pocket PC.
PiN 570 only: When prompted for the default installation directory, click No.
In the Save In box, select ROM Storage, then click OK.
Other Pocket PC models: Smart must be installed in the default installation directory,
not a memory card.
5. If you connect to the Internet via a dial-up connection, connect to the Internet now.
6. Follow the prompts to register online and activate Smart on your Pocket PC.
• Review and accept the Privacy Notice when prompted.
• You will be prompted to enter your contact details so Navman can advise you when
updates are released.
• Enter your Smart Application Key from the back of the CD box when prompted.
• Your computer will connect to the Internet and activate your Smart Application Key.
Your Pocket PC now contains Smart 2005. You are now ready to install a map to your
Pocket PC or memory card.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
4. Smart Desktop
Smart Desktop is used to manage maps to and from your Pocket PC, obtain software updates,
manage Custom Points of Interest (POIs) and install Basemaps.
To Open Smart Desktop
Once Smart Desktop has been installed, you can access it from the Start menu:
Start Programs Navman Smart Desktop 2005 for Pocket PC
Desktop and
Pocket PC tabs
Selected maps
Map Display
selected maps
to the Pocket
PC, memory
card or memory
card reader (not
Map information
Map Colour Key
Uninstalling Smart Desktop from your
We recommend that you use the Add or Remove Programs feature in your Windows Control Panel:
Start Control Panel Add or Remove Programs
SmartST Desktop 2005 for Pocket PC.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
5. Updating Smart
Update your Smart software to the most recent version by accessing the Navman website
through Smart Desktop.
To update your Smart software, complete the following steps:
1. If you connect to the Internet via a dial-up connection, connect to the Internet now.
2. Open Smart Desktop:
Start Programs Navman Smart Desktop 2005 for Pocket PC
3. On the Setup menu, select Update software then Check for updates on the web.
Your computer will connect to the Internet and display the Navman website.
4. Download the update for your region to your computer, if available.
5. On the Setup menu, select Update software then Update software on Pocket PC.
Follow the prompts to update Smart.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
6. Installing and Removing Maps
with Smart Desktop
Smart comes with one Map Product Key that will allow you to install one map. If you require an
additional map, you must first purchase an additional Map Product Key from your Navman supplier.
Use Smart Desktop to activate your Map Product Key and install the required map.
Installing New Maps
a. Insert a memory card into your Pocket PC, if you will be installing more than one map or if you will
be installing one map of a large region.
b. Connect your Pocket PC to your computer (if it is not already connected) using a USB cable,
synchronisation cradle or other device that came with your Pocket PC.
• Microsoft ActiveSync will synchronize with your Pocket PC.
c. Open Smart Desktop, if it is not already open:
Start Programs Navman Smart Desktop 2005 for Pocket PC
d. Insert a Smart Map CD into your computer CD-ROM drive, the available maps
will display (the default color for available maps is cross-hatch blue).
Note: If your computer opens Windows Explorer, close the Windows Explorer window.
Maps available on the Map CD in your CD-ROM
drive are displayed in cross-hatch blue.
e. • Australia, New Zealand and North America users: If you have already activated a
Map Product Key for your country, go to step i; otherwise continue to step f.
• European users: If you have already activated a Gold/Pan-European Map Product
Key (activates all maps in Europe), go to step i; otherwise continue to step f.
f. Click the map you want to install to your iCN.
Note: You may need to install multiple maps to cover the desired geographical area.
g. If you connect to the Internet via a dial-up connection, connect to the Internet now.
h. Follow the prompts to activate your Map Product Key, including:
• Enter your Map Product Key from the back of the CD box when prompted.
• You will be prompted to enter or update your contact details so
Navman can advise you when updates are released.
• Your computer will connect to the Internet and activate your Map
Product Key.
• If you are activating a map from a continental region that was not
previously installed on your Pocket PC, follow the prompts to
activate the new region. The four continental regions are Europe,
USA/Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
• When activation has completed, the map will change color (the default color for activated
maps is light green), proceed to step i.
The activated map is displayed in light green.
i. Click the map to install to your Pocket PC.
The map will change color to indicate it has been selected (the default color for selected maps is
dark green). The map is now listed in the Selected section of the Desktop Selected Maps tab.
j. • Australia, New Zealand and North America users: If you have already activated
a Map Product Key for your country, repeat step g until all required maps have been
added to the Selected section of the Desktop Selected Maps tab.
• European Gold/Pan-European Map Product Key users: If you have already
activated a Gold/Pan-European Map Product Key (activates all maps in Europe),
repeat step g until all required maps have been added to the Selected section of
the Desktop Selected Maps tab.
• European Silver/Single Map Product Key users: If you have another Silver/Single
Map Product Key to activate (activates a single map), go to step f.
The selected map is displayed in dark green.
k. Click an Add to button to install all maps listed in the Selected section of the Desktop Selected
Maps tab to your Pocket PC, memory card, or memory card reader (not supplied).
Smart Desktop will install the selected map or maps to your Pocket PC or memory card.
When they have been installed, the map or maps will change color (the default color for installed
maps is yellow).
l. To use your iCN, disconnect the USB cable from your iCN.
WARNING: Do not disconnect the USB cable from the iCN USB Socket until the Map Display screen
has refreshed, and the installed map or maps have changed color (the default color for installed maps is
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
Removing Old Maps
Before you can install a Smart 2005 map, you must first remove the old version of the map, as
you cannot use an old map and a Smart 2005 map of the same area.
Complete the following for each map that you are upgrading:
a. Connect your Pocket PC to your computer (if it is not already connected) using a USB
cable, synchronisation cradle or other device that came with your Pocket PC.
• Microsoft ActiveSync will syncronise with your Pocket PC.
b. Open Smart Desktop, if it is not already open:
Start Programs Navman Smart Desktop.
c. Open the Maps on Pocket PC section:
Pocket PC tab Maps on Pocket PC.
d. Click the map to be removed and select Remove from Pocket PC from the pop-up menu.
The map will be removed from your Pocket PC.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
7. Starting Smart
By now, you have installed Smart on your Pocket PC and, if required, mounted your GPS receiver in
your vehicle. You are now ready to start Smart and ensure that your Pocket PC and GPS receiver are
communicating successfully.
1. Refer to your GPS receiver manual about how to establish a valid GPS communications link
between your Pocket PC and GPS receiver.
2. Close all open programs on your Pocket PC to provide memory resources for Smart.
Note: Tapping
in the top right corner of an application does not usually close the
application, but leaves it running in the background. To close all applications, see your
Pocket PC manual.
3. Tap Start (a) to display the Start menu (see Figure 1).
4. Tap Programs (b) on the Start menu.
5. Tap
(c) on the Programs screen (see Figure 2).
Smart will open.
Figure 1. Start Menu
Figure 2. Programs Screen
PiN 570: The Language Selection screen will display on PiN 570s not purchased in Australia,
Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom or United States.
• Tap the language name or associated flag icon, then tap
6. The Legal Notice screen will display. Read the legal notice and tap I Agree to confirm you understand.
7. The Tutorial will display. Tap
to move through the screens.
The 2D Map screen will open.
You are now ready to obtain a GPS fix. See GPS Setup on page 18.
PiN 570: You can also open Smart by pressing the
See the PiN 570 User Manual for details.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
Main Menu Screen
The Main Menu screen provides access to all Smart functions, including navigating to a destination.
1. From the 2D Map screen, open the Main Menu screen by pushing the 4-way toggle
2. Tap
, to display more Main Menu options.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
8. GPS Setup
The Global Positioning System (GPS) comprises a collection of satellites orbiting Earth that transmit
signals to your Pocket PC. To navigate to a destination using Smart, you must first obtain a GPS fix.
Getting a GPS Fix
To obtain a GPS fix, your Pocket PC must have a clear view of the sky.
1. From the Main Menu, tap
, then GPS Status.
The GPS Status screen will open:
2. Tap the first drop-down box and select the COM port for your GPS receiver from the list
that appears. See your Pocket PC manual for the correct COM port.
3. Tap the second drop-down box and select the baud rate (speed) for your GPS receiver
from the list that appears. See your GPS receiver manual for the correct baud rate.
4. Tap the GPS checkbox to open the COM port. Your Pocket PC will now obtain a GPS fix.
5. Tap
to return to the 2D Map screen.
Navman COM Ports and Baud Rates
This table gives COM Port numbers and Baud Rates for Navman GPS navigation products:
COM Port
Baud Rate
Navman PiN 100 and PiN 300
Navman PiN 500
Navman Bluetooth GPS Receiver
*The COM port for the Bluetooth GPS receiver varies between models of Pocket PC.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
GPS Status Screen
The GPS Status screen provides a visual representation of the information being received. Latitude
and longitude are displayed, along with a north-pointing compass, ground speed and the heading
in degrees. Available satellites are shown as segments.
COM Port drop-down box, displays
selected GPS receiver or COM port
Indicates whether the COM port is open
Latitude and longitude of current position;
Baud rate drop-down box which
tap to toggle displayed units between
degrees, minutes and decimal seconds;
decimal degrees; degrees and decimal
displays the selected baud rate for
the GPS receiver COM port
North-pointing compass and current
heading in degrees
Each segment represents a satellite
Ground speed
GPS fix
Number of satellites used in GPS fix
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
and date
GPS Satellite Segment Key
No signal is being received.
A valid signal is being received but not being used to fix your position.
A valid signal is being used to fix your position.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
GPS Status Messages
The GPS status messages are displayed on the 2D Map, 3D Map, Next Instruction and GPS
Status screens. These messages provide feedback on the status of the GPS receiver connection.
The following table explains the meaning of these messages and includes suggested actions.
Status Message
Suggested Action
On the GPS Status screen, tap the GPS
checkbox to open the COM port selected
in the first drop-down box.
been opened.
A GPS COM Port has
Ensure the GPS receiver is turned on
been opened but no GPS and connected.
data are being received.
A GPS COM Port has
been opened, GPS data
are being received, but a
GPS position fix has not
yet been established.
Ensure the GPS receiver has an
unobscured view of the sky.
If you are in a vehicle with athermic (heat
reflecting) windows, you will require an
external GPS antenna (sold separately).
Your GPS fix has been lost. Ensure the GPS receiver has an
unobscured view of the sky.
(no GPS message;
date displayed on
GPS Status screen)
You have a valid GPS
position fix and GPS data your destination.
are being received.
No action required. You can navigate to
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
9. Setting your Destination
Before you travel, specify a destination and Smart will plan your route. You may select a destination
using any of the Destination menu options.
Note: Depending on the destination country, some fields may be unavailable when selecting a destination.
Entering Destination Text
Use the keyboard to enter text into the appropriate boxes on the Destination screens.
Note: If the text you enter does not match any address or Point of Interest (or any name in Pocket PC
Contacts), the text will turn red. In this case, check your spelling and try again.
Destination Icons
Each Destination screen displays a variable selection of icons:
Return to the previous screen.
Display the Route Options screen.
Add current location to Favourites.
Show the current location on the 2D Map.
Calculate route and display the 3D Map.
Confirm selection.
Edit current Favourite.
Delete current Favourite.
View the Help screen for Destination icons.
Display information about the current item.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
Address Search Rules
The following rules apply when searching for a destination in Europe:
Street Names with Dates
If a street name contains a date or a number, search by the first number:
Example 1: If searching for “Faubourg du 13 Juillet 1920”, search by “13”.
Example 2: If searching for “Avenue du 14 Avril 1914”, search by “14”.
Example 3: If searching for “Rue de la 1 ere Armée”, search by “1”.
Streets Named After People (excluding Italy)
If a street name is a person’s name (including at least a first and last name), search by the first name:
Example 1: If searching for “Rue Albert Mathieu”, search by “Albert”.
Example 2: If searching for “Fred Archer Way”, search by “Fred”.
Example 3: If searching for “Franz Grillparzer-Strasse”, search by “Franz”.
Streets Named After People - Italy
In Italy, if a street name is a person’s name (including at least a first and last name), search by the last name:
Example 1: If searching for “Via de Angelo de Thomasis”, search by “Thomasis”.
Example 2: If searching for “Via Placido Giovanella”, search by “Giovanella”.
Example 3: If searching for “Via della Giacomo Marca”, search by “Marca”.
Postcodes in United Kingdom and Netherlands
When searching by postcode in United Kingdom or Netherlands, type the postcode with spaces and
without the last two letters.
Example 1: If searching for “RH6 9ST”, search by “RH6 9”.
Example 2: If searching for “3514 BN”, search by “3514”.
For exact European street type abbreviations, see Appendix: Street Types on page 61.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
Navigating to a Street Address
1. From the Main Menu, tap Destination, then Address.
The Destination Address screen will open.
Note: If you have previously selected a destination and not subsequently exited Smart, the last
address will display.
2. Select a country from the Country drop-down box.
3. Type and select the destination address starting in any box, as follows:
• Tap the Postcode box.
The Destination Address - Postcode screen will display.
• Type up to five characters of the postcode in the Postcode box.
Note: When navigating in United Kingdom or Netherlands, type the
postcode with spaces and without the last two letters.
• Select the postcode from the list that displays.
• Tap
The Destination Address screen will reopen.
• Tap the Area box.
The Destination Address - Area screen will display.
• Type the name of a geographical location such as a town, city, state
or county in the Area box.
• Select the area from the list that displays.
• Tap
The Destination Address screen will reopen.
• Tap the Road box.
The Destination Address - Road screen will display.
• Type the name of a road in the Road box.
• Select the road from the list that displays.
• Tap
The Destination Address screen will reopen.
House number • Tap the House No. box.
The Destination Address - House No. screen will display.
• Type the house number in the House No. box.
• Select the number from the list that displays.
• Tap
The Destination Address screen will reopen.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
4. Complete one of the following:
• To calculate and display your route, tap
The 3D Map screen will open.
• To display the address without calculating the route, tap
The 2D Map screen will open.
• To add the address as a Favourite, tap
The Favourite will be saved with the name of the road.
Navigating to the Intersection of Two Streets
1. From the Main Menu, tap Destination, then Intersection.
The Destination Intersection screen will open.
Note: If you have previously selected a destination and not subsequently exited Smart, the last
address will display.
2. Select a country from the Country drop-down box.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
3. Type and select the destination address:
• Tap the Area box.
The Destination Intersection - Area screen will display.
• Type the name of a geographical location such as a town, city, state
or county in the Area box.
• Select the area from the list that displays.
• Tap
The Destination Address screen will reopen.
Road 1
Road 2
• Tap the Road 1 box.
The Destination Intersection - Road 1 screen will display.
• Type the name of a road in the Road 1 box.
• Select the road from the list that displays.
• Tap
The Destination Address screen will reopen.
• Tap the Road 2 box.
The Destination Intersection - Road 2 screen will display.
• Type the name of a road in the Road 2 box.
A list of roads that intersect with the road specified in the Road 1 box
will display.
• Select a road from the list that displays.
• Tap
The Destination Address screen will reopen.
4. Complete one of the following:
• To calculate and display the route to the intersection, tap
The 3D Map screen will open.
• To display the address without calculating the route, tap
The 2D Map screen will open.
• To add the intersection as a Favourite, tap
The Favourite will be saved with the name of the road.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
Navigating to a Point of Interest (POI)
A POI is a named site, feature, landmark or public venue which can be displayed as an icon on the
map. POIs are stored in types, such as parks and museums.
Note: You can also navigate to a POI via the Pop-up menu. See page 39.
1. From the Main Menu, tap Destination, then Points of Interest.
The Points of Interest screen will open.
2. Select a country from the Country drop-down box.
3. Select a POI category from the Category drop-down box.
4. Select a type of POI from the Type drop-down box.
5. Select an Area by tapping the Area box.
The Destination Intersection - Area screen will display.
• Type the name of a geographical location such as a town, city, state
or county in the Area box.
• Select the area from the list that displays.
• Tap
The Points of Interest screen will reopen.
6. Tap
The Points of Interest screen will reopen.
7. Tap
The Points of Interest Results screen will display, with a list of your search results. Only the first
40 search results will display.
8. Select a POI from the list of search results.
• If the list is long, begin typing the name of the POI in the Name box. The list of POIs will
reduce to match your search.
9. Complete one of the following:
• To calculate and display the route to the POI, tap
The 3D Map screen will open.
• To display the address without calculating the route, tap
The 2D Map screen will open.
• To add the POI as a Favourite, tap
The Favourite will be saved with the name of the POI.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
Navigating to a Favourite
To navigate to a Favourite, see Using Favourites, page 44.
Navigating to a Contact Address
Addresses stored in your Pocket PC Contacts database can be used to set a destination. The
contact address must be contained on an installed map.
1. From the Main Menu, tap Destination, then Contact.
The Find Contact screen will open.
2. Type the name of your contact in the Name box. Select the contact name from the list that displays.
3. Tap the Business, Home or Other option to display your contact’s correct address details.
4. Tap
The Destination Address screen will open.
5. Confirm that the correct details are displayed.
• If the details of the contact address are incorrect they will display in red. Type and select
the correct details and tap
. Your Pocket PC Contacts database will be updated.
6. Complete one of the following:
• To calculate and display the route, tap
The 3D Map screen will open.
• To display the address without calculating the route, tap
The 2D Map screen will open.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
Navigating to a Recent Destination
The last 20 routes are stored as recent destinations.
1. From the Main Menu, tap Destination, then Recent.
The Recent Destinations screen will open.
2. Select a destination from the list.
3. Complete one of the following:
• To calculate and display the route, tap
The 3D Map screen will open.
• To display the address without calculating the route, tap
The 2D Map screen will open.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
10. Using the 2D Map Screen to
Plan a Route
You can plan a route directly from the 2D Map screen using the Pop-up menu.
For more information on the Pop-up Menu, see page 39.
1. From the Main Menu, tap Map.
The 2D Map screen will display.
2. Scroll the map by dragging the stylus, then lifting it off the map. Repeat until your destination is visible.
• Zoom in or out of the map as required to locate your destination, using
to zoom out.
to zoom in and
3. Tap and hold the road or POI icon that represents your destination.
The Pop-up Menu will display.
4. Select Navigate to from the Pop-up menu.
Smart will calculate and display the route to your destination.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
11. Trip Planner
Use the Trip Planner to set multiple destination points for your trip. Smart will calculate a route via
each point, in the specified order.
Destination points can be added via the Trip Planner screen or by selecting Add To Trip from the Pop-up
menu. You can save up to 14 destination points per trip.
Trip Planner Icons
At the bottom of each Trip Planner screen, a variable selection of icons displays:
Return to the previous screen.
Reload the last trip.
Save the trip.
Load a saved trip.
Add a destination to the trip.
Calculate route and display the 3D Map.
View the Help screen for Trip Planner icons.
Creating a Trip
1. From the Main Menu, tap Trip Planner.
The Trip Planner screen will display.
2. Tap
to add a destination point.
The Destination screen will open.
You may add a destination point using any of the Destination menu options.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
Adding a Destination Point via Address
1. Tap Address.
The Destination Address screen will open.
2. Select a country from the Country drop-down box.
3. Type and select the destination address:
• Tap the Postcode box.
The Destination Address - Postcode screen will display.
• Type up to five characters of the postcode in the Postcode box.
Note: When navigating in United Kingdom or Netherlands, type the
postcode with spaces and without the last two letters.
• Select the postcode from the list that displays.
• Tap
The Destination Address screen will reopen.
• Tap the Area box.
The Destination Address - Area screen will display.
• Type the name of a geographical location such as a town, city, state
or county in the Area box.
• Select the area from the list that displays.
• Tap
The Destination Address screen will reopen.
• Tap the Road box.
The Destination Address - Road screen will display.
• Type the name of a road in the Road box.
• Select the road from the list that displays.
• Tap
The Destination Address screen will reopen.
House number • Tap the House No. box.
The Destination Address - House No. screen will display.
• Type the house number in the House No. box.
• Select the number from the list that displays.
• Tap
The Destination Address screen will reopen.
4. Tap
The destination point is added to your trip.
• To add another destination point, go to step 2.
5. Tap
to return to the Destination screen.
6. Tap
to return to the Trip Planner screen.
7. Tap
The 3D Map screen will open. Smart will calculate and display the trip.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
Adding Destination Points via Other Options
You may add destination points to the Trip Planner using the Intersection, Points of Interest,
Favourites, Contact and Recent destinations options on the Destination menu.
Managing the Trip Planner
To manage destination points on the Trip Planner screen, tap and hold a destination point.
The pop-up Trip Planner Menu will display.
• To move a point up, select Move Up.
• To move a point down, select Move Down.
• To delete a point, select Delete.
• To delete all points, select Clear All.
• To skip all prior destination points, select Skip To.
To save the trip to your Pocket PC or memory card:
• Tap
The Trip Save As screen will open.
• Type a name for the trip in the Name box.
• Select a folder in which to save the trip from the Folder drop-down box.
• Select a location from the Location box in which to save the folder and trip.
• Tap OK.
The Trip Planner screen will reopen.
Loading a Trip
1. From the Main Menu, tap Trip Planner.
The Trip Planner screen will open.
2. Tap
The Trip Open screen will open.
3. Select the folder containing the trip to be loaded from the Folder drop-down box.
4. Tap the trip to be loaded from the list of trip (.trp) files.
The Trip Planner screen will reopen.
• If you have a previous trip displayed on the Trip Planner screen, you will be prompted
with the option to append the loaded trip to the displayed trip.
5. Tap
The 3D Map screen will open. Smart will calculate and display the trip.
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12. Viewing your Route
Once a route has been calculated, there are several ways to view it. Cycle through the screens by
pressing the right 4-way toggle button.
2D Map Screen
The 2D Map screen is always oriented north and shows your current position (if a GPS fix is
active) and surrounding street names. If a route has been calculated, the route and all turns are
To view the 2D Map screen, either tap Map on the Main Menu screen, or when a route has been
calculated, press the 4-way toggle
• Navigate around the map by dragging the stylus across the screen.
• To display a smaller area in greater detail, press
• To display a larger area in less detail, press
• Tap and hold any point on the screen to access the Pop-up menu.
• Tap to recentre the map on your current position.
to cycle through the screens.
Your next turn is highlighted
in a different colour to
future turns. The colour will
depend on the theme you
are using.
Your destination
Your current position is
marked with
Map scale
Map recentre icon
Your current location
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
3D Map Screen
The 3D Map screen displays when a route is calculated, oriented to the travelling direction, with an
adjustable horizon.
To view the 3D Map screen when a route has been calculated, press the 4-way toggle
cycle through the screens.
• To display a smaller area in greater detail, press
• To display a larger area in less detail, press
• Change the viewing angle using to decrease the angle and
to increase the angle
when the Information button is set to Angle.
• Tap and hold any point on the map to access the Pop-up menu.
Direction of next turn
Tap to hear next instruction.
Your current position is
marked with
Your next turn is highlighted
in a different colour to
future turns. The colour will
depend on the theme you
are using.
Information Button
Tap to cycle through the
following display options:
• Speed
• Time
• Angle
• DTG (distance to go
to destination)
• ETA (expected time of
arrival at destination)
• TTG (time to go to
Distance to next turn
Tap to display the route
Your current location
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
Next Instruction Screen
The Next Instruction screen displays information that you need for the next turn, the direction of the
turn and the distance to the turn.
To view the Next Instruction screen, either press the 4-way toggle
to cycle through the
screens until the Next Instruction screen is displayed, or tap Map on the Main Menu.
Direction of next turn.
Tap to hear next instruction.
Distance to next turn
Information Buttons
Tap to cycle through the
following display options:
• Speed
Your current location
• Time
• HDG (current direction
or heading)
• DTG (distance to go to
• ETA (expected time of
arrival at destination)
• TTG (time to go to
Displays information from
Information Buttons
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
Instruction List Screen
The Instruction List screen displays a list of the remaining turns to your destination, the direction
of the turn, the street name and the distance to the turn. Each distance shown in the righthand
column represents the distance from your current location to that turn. The next turn is highlighted.
To view the Instruction List screen, press the 4-way toggle
to cycle through the screens until
the Instruction List screen is displayed.
• Scroll up and down the list of instructions using the scroll bar.
Direction of turn
Next instruction
Distance to turn
Scroll bar
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
Turn List View Screen
The Turn List View screen displays a map view of your next turn and a list of the remaining turns to
your destination. Each distance shown in the instruction list column represents the distance from
your current location to that turn. The next turn is highlighted.
• To view the Turn List View screen tap Turn List View on the Main Menu.
• Scroll up and down the list of instructions using the scroll bar.
• Tap an instruction to view the map for the turn in the map-view portion of the screen.
• There are minor differences between the portrait and landscape versions of the Turn List View
screen (see Figures 1 and 2), e.g., landscape does not contain the Direction of Turn panel.
Map view of your
next turn
Next instruction
(in yellow)
Direction of turn
Distance to turn
Figure 1. Portrait
Map view of your
next turn
Next instruction
(in yellow)
Distance to turn
Distance to next
Figure 2. Landscape
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
Viewing the Route Summary
A summary of the calculated route can be displayed on the 2D Map or 3D Map screen for five
seconds. The route summary includes:
• Departure street.
• Destination street.
• Distance of route.
• Time to go to destination (TTG).
• Distance to go to destination (DTG).
• Percentage of route completed (measured by distance).
To display the route summary:
1. Tap and hold the 2D Map or 3D Map screen.
2. Select Route Summary from the Pop-up menu. The route summary will display for five seconds.
You can also display the route summary from the 3D Map and Next Instruction screens by tapping
the lower-right corner of the screen.
Viewing the Location Summary
A summary of a location can be displayed on the 2D Map or 3D Map screen.
The location summary includes:
• Name of street, POI, Favourite or Quick Nav.
• Description of location.
• Latitude and Longitude of location.
To display the location summary:
1. Tap and hold the 2D Map or 3D Map screen.
2. Select the location name from the top of the Pop-up menu. The location summary will display.
Back-On-Track Automatic Rerouting
Your route is recalculated if you make a wrong turn. The
symbol will display on the 3D Map and
Next Instruction screens while the route recalculates.
Automatic rerouting is set on the Route Settings screen.
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13. Map Screen Pop-up Menu
The Pop-up menu is displayed from the 2D Map or 3D Map screen by tapping and holding a point on the screen.
Menu Option
Displays the name of the selected road, POI, Favourite or Quick Nav.
Select to display the location summary.
Set as departure
Navigate to
Sets the selected point as your departure point.
Sets the selected point as your destination point.
Smart will calculate and display the route to your destination.
Quick Nav
Displays a list of your Quick Navs.
Route Detour
Reroutes your route to avoid the next 1, 2, 5 or 10 kilometres or miles.
Adds the selected point to your trip as a destination point.
Adds the selected point to your Favourites.
Adds an Avoid Area for you to size and locate.
Deletes the selected Avoid Area.
Add To Trip
Add to Favourites
Add Avoid Area
Delete Avoid Area
Clear Avoid Areas
Route Summary
Deletes all Avoid Areas.
Displays the route summary.
Starts the Route Demonstrator, demonstrating navigation from your
current position or departure point to your destination.
Route Demonstrator
Nearest POI
Opens the Points of Interest screen. Select the POI to navigate to.
Exit Application
Exits Smart.
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14. Avoiding an Area
Smart enables a route to be calculated that avoids a specified area on the map. Up to ten Avoid
Areas can be added per route. Avoid Areas are displayed as shaded areas.
Adding an Avoid Area
1. From the Main Menu, tap Map.
The 2D Map screen will open.
2. Tap and hold the area that you want to avoid.
3. Select Add Avoid Area from the Pop-up menu.
An Avoid Area is displayed.
4. Set the Avoid Area to the correct size and position.
• To position the Avoid Area, tap and drag it to the area you want to avoid.
• To size the Avoid Area, tap and drag the sizing boxes to the size required.
5. Tap the Avoid Area to enable it.
Deleting an Avoid Area
1. From the Main Menu, tap Map.
2. Tap and hold the Avoid Area that you want to delete.
3. Select Delete Avoid Area from the Pop-up menu.
The Avoid Area is deleted.
Deleting all Avoid Areas
1. From the Main Menu, tap Map.
2. Tap and hold the 2D Map screen outside of an Avoid Area.
3. Select Clear Avoid Areas from the Pop-up menu.
All Avoid Areas are deleted.
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15. Route Demonstrator
The Route Demonstrator allows you to:
• Preview a route.
• Plan and view a route without a GPS fix, such as when you are inside a building.
Step 1. Select Departure Point
If you have a GPS fix, you do not need to select a departure point unless the demonstrated route’s
departure point is not your current location.
1. Find your departure point by scrolling the map with the stylus.
2. Tap and hold the road or POI icon that represents your departure point.
3. From the Pop-up menu, select Set as departure .
Step 2. Select Destination Point
1. Find your destination point by scrolling the map with the stylus.
2. Tap and hold the road or POI icon that represents your destination.
3. From the Pop-up menu, select Navigate to.
Step 3. Activate Route Demonstrator
From the Pop-up menu, select Route Demonstrator.
• If you have selected the Repeat Route Demonstrator check box on the Display Settings
screen, the Route Demonstrator will repeat until you disable it from the Pop-up menu.
To Disable Route Demonstrator
From the Pop-up menu, select Route Demonstrator.
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16. Trip Meter
Trip Meter - Current Route Screen
The Trip Meter - Current Route screen is used to view the distance travelled, average speed,
maximum speed, time taken and stationary time for your current trip.
• From the Main Menu, tap
, then Trip Meter.
The Trip Meter - Totals screen is used to view the distance travelled, average speed, maximum
speed, time taken and stationary time for all of your trips to date, or since the trip meter was last reset.
• From the Trip Meter - Current Route screen, tap
The Trip Meter - Totals screen will open.
• Tap
again to redisplay the Trip Meter - Current Route screen.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
17. Favourites and Quick Navs
Favourites are used to access frequently used destinations without having to reenter information.
Favourites are accessed from the Favourite List screen.
You are able to save your three most frequently used Favourites as Quick Navs. Using a Quick Nav is
the quickest and easiest way to set your destination. Quick Navs are accessed from the Quick Nav
screen, or from the Pop-up menu on the 2D Map or 3D Map screens.
Saving a Favourite
1. From the Main Menu, tap Destination, then Address.
The Destination Address screen will open.
Note: You can also add an Intersection or POI as a Favourite.
2. Select a country from the Country drop-down box.
3. Type and select the destination address:
• To select an area, type the name of a geographical location such as a town, city, state or
county in the Area box. Select the area from the list that displays.
• To select a road, type the name of a road in the Road box. Select the road from the list
that displays.
• To select a house number, type the house number in the House No box. Select the
numebr from the list that displays.
4. Tap
The Favourite is saved with the name of the road.
Converting a Favourite to a Quick Nav
1. From the Main Menu, tap Destination, then Favourites.
2. Select the Favourite to convert to a Quick Nav.
3. Tap
The Favourite Edit screen will display.
4. In the Save as box, select a Quick Nav to save this Favourite to.
5. To change the icon for this Quick Nav, tap the icon next to Change Icon.and select a new icon
from the Favourite Change Icon screen.
The Favourite Edit screen will reopen.
6. Tap
to save the Quick Nav.
The Favourite List screen will display.
Editing a Favourite or Quick Nav
1. From the Main Menu, tap Destination, then Favourites.
2. Select the Favourite to edit.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
3. Tap
The Favourite Edit screen will display.
4. In the Name box, type a name for the Quick Nav or Favourite.
5. To change the icon displayed on the 2D Map and 3D Map screen:
a. Tap the Change Icon icon.
The Favourite Change Icon screen will display.
b. Tap the icon you want for the Quick Nav or Favourite.
6. Tap
to save the Quick Nav or Favourite.
The Favourite List screen will open.
Using Quick Navs
1. From the Main Menu, tap Quick Nav.
2. Tap your previously saved Quick Nav destination.
The 3D Map screen will open.
Smart will calculate and display the route to the Quick Nav.
Note: You can also access Quick Navs via the Pop-up menu.
Using Favourites
1. From the Main Menu, tap Destination, then Favourites.
2. Select a Favourite from the list.
3. Select one of the following options:
- Displays the Routing Settings screen.
- Opens the Favourite Edit screen to edit the Favourite.
- Deletes the Favourite.
- Displays the Favourite on the 2D Map screen.
- Calculates the route to the Favourite and displays it on the 3D Map screen.
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18. Settings
You can modify the following settings to suit your preferences:
Display Settings
1. From the Main Menu, tap
, then Setup, then the Display tab.
The Display Settings screen will open.
2. Modify the settings as required:
If you want to...
improve screen contrast in light or dark
select either Day or Night in the Map
Colours section.
change the colour scheme of all map
select your preferred colour scheme from
the Map Colour Scheme drop-down box in
the Map Colours section.
display a topographical map on all map
select the Display Topography check box
in the Map Detail section.
display No Entry icons on blocked roads
on all map screens
select the Display Blocked Road Icons
check box in the Map Detail section.
display grid lines on all map screens
select the Display Map Grid check box in
the Navigation Options section.
enable auto-zoom when navigating to
your destination
select the Enable Auto Zoom check
box in the Navigation Options section. If
selected, the 2D Map or 3D Map screen will
automatically zoom in or out depending on
your speed to allow optimal view of your route.
enable the route demonstrator to play
select the Repeat Route Demonstrator check
box in the Navigation Options section.
display Favourites icons on all map
select the Show Favourites check box in
the Navigation Options section.
3. Tap
Note: After tapping
to accept these changes and open the 2D Map screen.
, the last open map or map instruction screen will display. This
is usually the 2D Map screen, but other possiblilities are the 3D Map screen, the Next
Instruction screen, the Instruction List screen and the Turn List View screen.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
Guidance Settings
1. From the Main Menu, tap
, then Setup, then the Guidance tab.
The Guidance screen will open.
2. Modify the settings as required:
• To enable voice guidance during navigation, select the Voice Instructions check box in
the Voice Instructions section.
• To change the voice scheme used for voice guidance during navigation, select
your preferred voice scheme from the Voice Scheme drop-down box in the Voice
Instructions section.
• To change the units used to measure distance in Smart, select either kilometres or
miles in the Distance Units section.
3. Tap
to accept these changes and open the 2D Map screen.
Route Recording
You can record specific routes and save them to your Pocket PC or memory card for future reference.
Note: Route recording should be undetaken only for diagnostic or support purposes, as instructed by a
Navman customer service representative.
To start recording a route
1. From the Main Menu, tap
, then Setup, then the Guidance tab.
The Guidance screen will open.
2. In the Route Recording section, tap Start.
The Save As screen will open.
3. In the Name box, type a name for the route.
4. From the Folder drop-down box, select a folder in which to save the route recording.
5. From the Location drop-down box, select a location in which to save the folder and
route recording.
6. Tap
The Guidance screen will reopen.
7. Tap
The 2D Map screen will open.
8. Navigate to your destination.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
To finish recording a route
1. From the Main Menu, tap Setup, then the Guidance tab.
The Guidance screen will open.
2. Tap Stop in the Route Recording section, to stop recording the route.
3. Tap
The 2D Map screen will open.
To play a route recording
1. From the Main Menu, tap
, then Setup, then the Guidance tab.
The Guidance screen will open.
2. In the Route Recording section, tap Play.
The Open screen will open.
3. From the Folder drop-down box, select the folder containing the route to be played.
4. From the list of recorded routes, tap the route to be played.
The Guidance screen will reopen.
5. Tap
The 2D Map screen will open, and the route recording will play.
To stop playing a route recording
1. From the Main Menu, tap
, then Setup, then the Guidance tab.
The Guidance Settings screen will open.
2. In the Route Recording section, tap Stop to stop playing the route
3. Tap
The 2D Map screen will open.
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Route Settings
1. From the Main Menu, tap
, Setup, then the Routing tab.
The Routing screen will open.
2. Modify the settings as required:
If you want to...
change the Route Type
move the Route slider towards Quickest for
Smart to give more weighting to the fastest
time when calculating a route.
move the Route slider towards Shortest for
Smart to give more weighting to the shortest
distance when calculating a route.
change the Preference for Freeways move the Freeway Usage slider towards Min to
use freeways less often when calculating a route.
move the Freeway Usage slider towards Max to
use freeways more often when calculating a route.
avoid unsurfaced roads
select the Avoid Unsurfaced Roads check
avoid ferries
select the Avoid Ferries check box.
select the Avoid Toll Roads check box.
select the Avoid Urban Areas check box.
avoid toll roads
avoid urban areas
enable Back-on-Track™ automatic
select the Automatic Rerouting check box.
Back-on-Track will update the calculated route if
you take a wrong turn.
restore default settings
3. Tap
to accept these changes.
The 2D Map screen will open.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
Points of Interest (POI) Settings
Points Of Interest (POIs) in a region are grouped into categories. This function allows you to select
the category of POI that you need. For example, you may be interested in entertainment venues
only and want to disable other POI categories, such as schools.
1. From the Main Menu, tap
, then Setup, then the POI tab.
The POI screen will open.
2. To enable POIs to be displayed on the 2D Map screen, select the Show Icons on Map
check box in the POI Display section.
3. Select or clear the appropriate check boxes in the POI Categories section until only those
categories of POIs that you would like to display on the 2D or 3D Map screen are selected.
4. Tap
to accept these changes.
The 2D Map screen will open.
Active Map Selection Settings
The Active Map Selection Settings screen allows you to specify which of the available maps are to
be used. Smart uses program memory to store map regions, so we recommend that you only
specify the map(s) that you currently require.
1. From the Main Menu, tap
, then Setup, then the Map tab.
The Map - Active Map Selection screen will open.
2. Select a memory location from the Location drop-down box to display a list of the maps
installed in each location.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
3. Select or clear the appropriate check boxes until only those maps that you would like to use
are selected.
4. If you have access to more than one memory location, go to step 2 and select another location.
5. Tap
to accept these changes.
The 2D Map screen will open.
General Settings
The General screen allows you to export your Favourites to a comma-delimited (.csv) file. Comma-
delimited files can be accessed by most database systems.
To export your Smart Favourites to a comma-delimited file, complete the following:
1. From the Main Menu, tap
, then Setup, then the General tab.
The General screen will open.
2. Select the Favourites option.
3. Tap Export to export your Favourites to: My Device/My Documents/Navman/Favourites.csv.
The message “Export Complete” will display.
4. Tap
The 2D Map screen will open.
The General screen also allows you to delete all Favourites, Quick Navs or recent destinations.
To delete your Smart Favourites, Quick Navs or recent destinations, complete the following:
1. From the Main Menu, tap
, then Setup, then the General tab. The General screen will open.
2. Select either the Favourites, Quicknavs or Recents option.
3. Tap Clear to delete your Favourites, Quick Navs or recent destinations.
4. Tap
The 2D Map screen will open.
The General screen also allows you to choose to display the tutorial on startup. To display the
tutorial when starting Smart, select the Show at Startup check box in the Tutorial section.
Sound Settings
1. From the Main Menu, tap
, then Setup, then the Sound tab.
The Sound Settings screen will open.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
2. Modify the settings as required:
• Move the Volume slider to the right to increase volume; move the Volume slider to the left
to decrease volume. Tap Test to test the volume.
• To enable an audible warning when travelling over a specified speed, select the Speed
Warning check box. Select the speed over which the warning is to sound.
• To enable an audible chime when Back-on-Track™ Automatic Rerouting is activated,
select the Reroute Chime check box.
3. Tap
to accept these changes.
The 2D Map screen will open.
Active Points of Interest (POI) Settings
Active POIs are custom POIs that are announced when in close proximity. Custom POIs are added
from the Smart Desktop POI Editor.
1. From the Main Menu, tap
, then Setup, then the Active POI tab.
The Active POI Settings screen will open.
2. Select the custom POI to be configured from the POI drop-down box.
3. Select the Active check box to activate the POI.
4. Modify the settings for the selected POI as required:
• To enable a visual warning when the POI is nearby, select the Visual Warning check box.
• To enable an audible chime when the POI is nearby, select the Sound Warning check box.
• Select the distance from the POI at which the visual warning displays or the audible chime
sounds, from the Distance box.
• Select the time from the POI at which the visual warning displays or the audible chime
aounds, from the Time box.
5. Tap
to accept these changes.
The 2D Map screen will open.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
19. Smart Desktop Advanced
Find a City or Town
To search for a city or town to verify the map region to be installed:
1. From the Map menu, click Find City.
The Find City window will open.
2. Type the name of the City or Town in the City Name box.
The list of available cities will reduce to match your search.
3. Double-click the name of the city or town.
The Map Display will rotate to centre on the selected city or town and
will mark the city
or town location.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
Map Colours and Textures
To access the Desktop Colours section: Desktop tab Settings Colours.
Adjust the settings to change the look of the map type.
Colour Settings
Controls map colours.
Displays the:
• map border colour
• map colour
• map border width.
Adjusts the map border width.
Controls the map display:
• solid colour,
• no colour,
• crosshatch texture.
Controls geographic features displayed on the map. Features are
only visible if the map has no colour or crosshatch texture.
Map Layers
To conserve space on your Pocket PC and memory card, you can choose map layers to install.
The layers you can choose from are:
• Points of Interest (POIs)
• Water, parks
• Land contours.
To access the Map Layers section: Desktop tab Settings Layers.
Select or clear each checkbox to indicate the layers to be installed with each map.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
Points of Interest (POI) Editor
You can create custom Points of Interest (POIs) using the POI Editor in two ways:
• by creating your own POI files, or
• by using compatible POI files downloaded from the Internet.
A maximum of 25 Custom POI files can be saved on your Pocket PC. The Custom POI files are
listed on the My POI screen.
Custom POIs can be set to enable a warning chime or visual warning when in close proximity at the
Select Active POI screen.
Creating a Custom POI File
1. Create a new POI File using the POI Editor.
• On the Smart Desktop Map menu, click Points of Interest.
The POI Editor window will open.
• On the POI Editor window File menu, click New Text File.
The POI File Name window will open.
• Type a name for the file in the File Name box, then click OK. The file name can be up
to eight characters with no spaces.
2. Add a POI to the POI File.
• On the POI Editor window Edit menu, click New.
The POI Details window will open.
• Type a description for the POI in the Description box.
• On the Degrees, Minutes, Seconds tab, type or select the degree, minute and
second of the POI latitude in the Latitude boxes.
• On the Degrees, Minutes, Seconds tab, type or select the degree, minute and
second of the POI longitude in the Longitude boxes.
• To save the POI, click OK.
3. Repeat step 2 until all POIs have been added to the POI file.
4. On the File menu, click Save.
The POI file is saved.
5. Complete Saving a Custom POI File to your Pocket PC below.
Importing a Custom POI File
1. Download a POI file from the Internet and save it on your computer.
2. Open the POI file using the POI Editor
• On the Smart Desktop Map menu, click Points of Interest.
The POI Editor window will open.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
• On the POI Editor window File menu, click Open Text File.
The Open dialogue box will open.
• Select the POI file from your local or network drive, then click Open.
3. Complete Saving a Custom POI File to your Pocket PC below.
Saving a Custom POI File to your Pocket PC
1. On the Smart Desktop Map menu, click Points of Interest. The POI Editor window
will open.
2. On the POI Editor window File menu, click Save to Device. The POI Options window
will open.
3. Modify the POI settings as required:
If you want to...
activate the POI
select the Active check box.
Note: If you do not activate the POI, you will be
able to configure only the POI Visibility Level
and Icon File settings.
enable a visual warning when the
POI is in close proximity
select the Visual Alert check box.
select the Audio Alert check box.
select the Metric or Imperial option.
select the distance from the Distance box.
enable a warning chime when the
POI is in close proximity
change the units used to measure
distance for this POI
select the distance from the POI
at which the visual warning should
display or the warning chime
should sound
indicate this POIs priority when one move the POI Visibility Level slider left or right.
or more additional POIs are in the
same locale
select a custom POI type icon to
display on the map
Type the path to the icon file to be used to
represent the POI type, in the Icon File box, or
select the icon file from your local or network
drive clicking
, locating the file and clicking
Open. The file must be a bitmap (.bmp)
graphic with a minimum of 6x6 pixels and a
maximum of 32x32 pixels.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
4. Click OK and follow the prompts.
The POI file is saved to the Pocket PC as a Custom POI type.
• If you want to change the file name, edit the file name in the POI File Name window
File Name box, then click OK.
The file name can be up to eight characters and cannot contain spaces.
Deleting a Custom POI File from your Pocket PC
1. On the Map menu, click Points of Interest.
The POI Editor window will open.
2. On the File menu, click Manage POI Files.
The Manage POI Files window will open, displaying a list of custom POI files installed on
your Pocket PC.
3. Click the File Name or Size of the POI file to delete.
4. Click Delete.
The file is removed from the list, but is not yet deleted.
5. To select another file to delete, go back to step 2; otherwise, proceed to step 6.
6. Click OK and accept the changes.
The selected file or files are deleted.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
20. Continuous Continental
Basemaps allow you to seamlessly navigate between installed maps without installing maps of all
regions along your route. Each Basemap covers a large area, such as Western Europe or continental
United States and contains main roads that connect cities and towns. On the Basemap, you can select
a road or POI as your departure point or destination.
All Basemaps:
• contain roads and ferry connections of high national and international importance.
• use less memory than would be necessary to install all equivalent detailed maps.
• exclude smaller roads and have a reduced level of geographical detail.
You can add and remove Basemaps using the Basemap Installer (see below).
Install Basemap
1. Open Smart Desktop if it is not already open:
Start Programs Navman Smart Desktop 2005 for Pocket PC
2. On the Map menu, click Basemaps.
The Navman Basemap Installer window will open.
3. Click the appropriate Add button to install the Basemap to the Pocket PC, memory card
or memory card reader.
Activate Basemap on Pocket PC
1. From the Main Menu, tap Setup, then the Map tab.
The Active Map Selection Settings screen will open.
2. Select a memory location from the Location drop-down box to display a list of the maps
installed in each location.
3. Select the check box of the Basemap you require.
4. Tap
to accept the change and open the 2D Map screen.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
Remove Basemap
1. Connect the Pocket PC to your computer.
• Connect your Pocket PC to your computer via Microsoft ActiveSync 3.5 or higher.
• Close all open programs on your Pocket PC.
2. Open Smart Desktop if it is not already open:
Start Programs Navman Smart Desktop 2005 forPocket PC
3. On the Map menu, click Basemaps.
The Basemap Installer window will open.
4. Select the Basemap to remove and click Remove.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
21. Improving Performance
Smart requires an amount of allocated program memory equal to about 10% of the size of the
installed and active maps. Without enough allocated memory, you may receive an Out of Memory error.
Reducing Number of Active Maps
Smart uses program memory to store maps, so we recommend that you only specify the map
or maps that you currently require. The Active Map Selection Settings screen allows you to specify
which of the available maps are to be used.
See page 49 for more information.
Increasing Allocation of Program Memory
Smart requires an amount of allocated program memory equal to about 10% of the size of the
installed and active maps.
1. Tap Start to display the Start menu.
2. Tap Settings on the Start menu.
3. On the Settings screen, tap the System tab.
4. Tap the Memory icon.
The Memory screen will open.
5. Move the slider to the left until you have enough program memory listed on the right.
See your Pocket PC manual for more information.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
22. Accessories
These Pocket PC accessories are available for separate purchase from your local Navman retailer:
In-Vehicle Power Adaptor
12 V in-vehicle power adaptor with 2 m power cable
Universal PDA Mounting Kit
Mounts any PDA device in your car.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
Appendix: Street Types
Note: Belgium and Switzerland each list street types and their abbreviations in three languages.
Street Type
Belgium (Dutch)
Belgium (French)
Belgium (German)
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
Street Type
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
Street Type
Switzerland (German)
Switzerland (French)
Switzerland (Italian)
United Kingdom
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
Support Information
Support for
Support for
Navman Australia Pty. Ltd
PO Box 479
Navman Europe Limited
4G Gatwick House
Peeks Brook Lane
NSW 2111
Horley, Surrey RH6 9ST
United Kingdom
Support for
Support for the
New Zealand:
US and Canada:
Navman NZ Ltd
PO Box. 68-155
Navman USA Limited
27142 Burbank
Foothill Ranch, CA 92610
United States of America
New Zealand
Phone: 866-9-NAVMAN
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference
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© 2005 Navman NZ Limited. Navman is a registered trademark of Navman NZ Limited. All rights reserved.
Microsoft Windows 98 SE, ME, 2000 or XP, Microsoft Internet Explorer are registered trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Smart, Drive-Away and Back-On-Track are trademarks of Navman NZ Limited. All rights reserved.
Acer is a registered trademark of Acer Inc. All right reserved.
Adobe Reader is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
All other trademarks and registrations are the property of their respective owners.
Published in New Zealand.
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
Smart 2005 for Pocket PC | User Manual
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