User Manual for NXP Real Time Clocks PCF85x3, PCA8565
and PCF2123, PCA2125
Rev. 01 — 23 December 2008
User manual
Document information
PCF8563, PCF8573, PCF8583, PCF8593, PCA8565, PCF2123,
PCA2125, PCF2120, RTC, real time clock, timekeeping, crystal,
32.768 kHz, backup.
This application note aims to assist a user of above mentioned Real Time
Clocks in achieving succesful design-in and application. It contains useful
hints with respect to electrical schematic and PCB layout as well as code
examples for the well established NXP PCF8563 and related Real Time
Clocks. Also the more recent Real Time Clocks PCF2123 and PCA2125
have been taken into account.
NXP Semiconductors
User Manual PCF85x3, PCA8565 and PCF2123, PCA2125
1. Introduction
The real time clocks from NXP (previously Philips Semiconductors) have a long tradition
and are used in numerous application fields. Starting from applications like VCR, they
have been used in a wide variety or products like burglar alarm systems, water
sprinklers, (platform) timers, e-metering, time-and-attendance monitoring, building
access control, Point-of-Sale terminals, industrial applications, cars and trucks, telecom
applications such as mobile phones and in gaming machines. In those applications they
are used for functions like keeping calendar time, tariff switching, watch-dog, time
stamping or waking up a system periodically to initiate certain actions, for example
making measurements.
This application note deals with the PCF85x3 family with focus on the PCF8563, and with
the more recent additions to the NXP RTC portfolio PCF2123 and PCA2125. The
PCF2123 is an extremely low power RTC which allows fine tuning of the clock using an
offset register (electronic tuning). PCA2125 is targeted at automotive applications. Where
appropriate, comparisons to other devices are made.
PCF2120 is a low power 32.768 kHz oscillator with two integrated oscillator capacitances
and a CLKOUT pin (32.768 kHz only), but without time, date and configuration registers.
This application note is valid for the PCF2120 as well, particulary information with respect
to oscillator, crystal, crystal and capacitor selection and layout guidelines.
Chapters 2 and 3 describe the features of these RTCs and include a comparison of the
various types. Starting from chapter 4 more technical details are described that need to
be understood in order to achieve succesful application of these real time clocks.
Chapters 4 and 5 deal with the power-on reset and voltage-low detection. Chapters 6
through 10 deal with the heart of the RTC; the oscillator, the crystal, crystal and capacitor
selection, accuracy and oscillator tuning. Chapter 11 contains a description of how
century change, leap years and daylight savings time is handled or needs to be handled
in an application. This is followed by some examples in chapter 12 about how to initialize
the RTC and how to set alarm and timer. Providing backup power when the rest of the
system is not powered is covered in chapter 13. In order to make a reliable and accurate
application it is important that the PCB layout is designed carefully and guidelines to
achieve this are listed in chapter 14. This is followed by some further design tips in
chapters 15 and 16 about partial circuit switch down and low power consumption.
Sometimes a component behaves different from what one may initially expect. This does
not imply that it behaves wrongly, but in order to properly deal with it, it is important to be
aware of such behavior. Chapter 17 describes how inaccurate timer performance can be
avoided. Chapter 18 explains why the RTC will loose time if I2C and SPI read and write
operations are not finalized within one second of initiating it.
The application note is concluded with a short chapter on trouble shooting.
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User Manual PCF85x3, PCA8565 and PCF2123, PCA2125
2. Features
The NXP real-time clock portfolio includes types for low power, types for automotive and
other high temperature applications and applications that need additional RAM. A third
family of highly accurate temperature compensated real time clocks will be dealt with in a
separate application note. Designed for a range of demanding applications, these real-
time clocks/calendars are driven by a low-power 32.768 kHz quartz oscillator, use the
SPI or I2C-bus for serial data transfer, and typically consume less than 1 μW of power.
Key features
• Oscillator requires 32.768 kHz external quartz crystal
• Resolution: seconds, minutes, hours, weekday, day, month, and year in 12- or 24-
hour (military) format. All time and alarm registers are in BCD format. Two types
include a 1/10th and 1/100th second resolution register
• Low backup current: Ranging from 100 nA to 2 μA at VDD = 1 V and Tamb = 25 °C
• Three line SPI with separate I/O or I2C serial interface
• Freely programmable timer and alarm functions, each with interrupt capability
• Freely programmable Watchdog timer
• Programmable clock output for peripheral devices: 32.768 kHz, 1024 Hz, 32 Hz and
1 Hz (not all types)
• One or two integrated oscillator capacitors (connected to the output of amplifier
OSCO in case of only one integrated capacitor)
• Internal power-on reset
• Open-drain interrupt pin
• Wide variety of packages available including naked die
Addresses and data are transferred serially via an SPI bus with a maximum speed of 7.0
Mbps (PCF2123, PCA2125) or via a two-line, bidirectional I2C-bus that operates at a
maximum speed of 400 kbps (Fast-Mode, PCF8563 and PCA8565) or 100 kbps
(Standard-Mode, PCF8583 and PCF8593). The built-in word address register is
incremented automatically after each data byte is written or read.
With the PCF8583, the address pin A0 is used to program the software address, so that
two devices can be connected to the same I2C-bus without additional hardware.
Each RTC has an internal power-on reset and a programmable clock output with open
drain configuration to drive peripheral devices. A low voltage detector (not included on
the PCF8583,93 and PCA2125) warns if the integrity of all clock functions is no longer
Power consumption is kept to a minimum in all the devices. The PCF2123 and PCF8563,
optimized for battery-powered applications, consume as little as 100 nA at 2V and 250
nA at 1V respectively. With careful selection of the crystal used, the PCF2123 consumes
less than 100 nA on a 1.5 V supply.
The seconds, minutes, hours, days, weekdays, months, years as well as the minute
alarm, hour alarm, day alarm and weekday alarm registers are all coded in Binary Coded
Decimal (BCD) format. This format is popular with RTCs for the reason that time and
date in BCD format can easily be displayed in human-readable style without conversion.
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User Manual PCF85x3, PCA8565 and PCF2123, PCA2125
In BCD every digit of the decimal system is represented by a 4-bit group. For example:
15710 = 0001 0101 0111BCD
This is not the same as binary representation. It is clear that BCD is not the most efficient
way of coding since every 4-bit group (nibble) could represent numbers 0 through 15, but
in BCD never represents numbers bigger than 9. But for some applications it is
convenient to use BCD and real time clocks are one such application.
Each 8-bit register contains two digits each represented by one nibble. Each 4-bit nibble
can represent the value of 0 up to 9 in BCD, but for some digits the maximum value to be
represented will be lower. The minute register for example will never have to count
higher than 59. The upper most digit can here be represented by 3 bits, freeing up one
bit that can be used to indicate something else.
Not all NXP real-time clocks have exactly the same register implementation and thus the
datasheet of the particular device should be consulted. As an example the register
organization of the PCF8563 is given below. Note that this is just one example and that
register organization of other types is not necessarily exactly the same.
Table 1.
Register overview PCF8563
Bit positions labelled as x are not implemented. When setting a register, also a value must be written for the ‘x’ bit positions.
When these are read back, the read back values may differ from what was previously written.
Bit positions labelled with 0 should always be written with logic 0; if read they could be either logic 0 or logic 1.
Register name
control / status 1
control / status 2
Bit 7
Bit 6
Bit 5
Bit 4
Bit 3
Bit 2
Bit 1
Bit 0
<seconds 00 to 59 coded in BCD>
<minutes 00 to 59 coded in BCD>
<hours 00 to 23 coded in BCD>
<days 01 to 31 coded in BCD>
<weekdays 0 to 6>
months / century
<months 01 to 12 coded in BCD>
<years 00 to 99 coded in BCD>
minute alarm
hour alarm
day alarm
<minute alarm 00 to 59 coded in BCD>
<hour alarm 00 to 23 coded in BCD>
<day alarm 01 to 31 coded in BCD>
weekday alarm
CLKOUT control
timer control
<weekday alarm 0 to 6>
<timer countdown value>
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User Manual PCF85x3, PCA8565 and PCF2123, PCA2125
The PCA8565 and PCA2125 oscillators operate over a wider temperature range (up to
125 ºC) and are suitable for use in the harsh environments found within automobiles.
Power consumption remains low — only 700 nA at 2 V. Serial interface is I2C or SPI.
All the RTCs have ESD protection that exceeds 2000 V HBM per JESD22-A114, 200 V
MM per JESD22-A115. Charge Device Model values vary from 500 V to 2000 V CDM
per JESD22-C101. Refer to the datasheet of the respective device. Latch-up testing,
performed in accordance with JEDEC Standard JESD78, exceeds 100 mA.
3. Comparison
Table 2 on the next page gives a quick overview of the features, specifications and
differences between the RTCs dealt with in this User Manual. The PCF8573 which
belongs to the PCF85x3 family is no longer in production and has thus not been included
in the table. However, this user manual is useful for this type as well.
Further there are some derived types from the main types listed in the table with small
differences in for example delivery form or the number of integrated oscillator capacitors.
Consult NXP for more details.
3.1 Event counter mode
Two real time clocks, PCF8583 and PCF8593, have an extraordinary feature. It is the
event counter mode which can be selected by setting the appropriate bits in the control
register. In this mode the oscillator is disabled and the oscillator input is switched to a
high impedance state. This mode can be used to count pulses applied to the oscillator
input OSCI. There is no crystal in the circuit and OSCO is left open circuit. The event
counter stores up to 6 digits of data. Events are stored in BCD format. The 6 digits use
three 8 bit registers (hundredth of a second, seconds, and minutes). D5 is the most
significant and D0 the least significant digit. Every digit can contain values ranging from 0
to 9 and thus up to 999 999 events can be stored.
It is also possible to set an event counter alarm. When this function is enabled, the alarm
occurs when the event counter registers match the programmed value. In this event the
alarm flag is set. The inverted value of this flag can be transferred to the interrupt pin by
setting the alarm interrupt enable in the alarm control register. In this mode the timer
increments once for every one, one hundred, ten thousand or 1 million events,
depending on the programmed value of the alarm control register. In all other events, the
timer functions are as in clock mode.
Note that immediately following power-on, all internal registers are undefined and must
be defined by software. It is also possible that upon power-on the device is initially in
event-counter mode in which event the oscillator will not operate until the correct settings
are written into the control registers.
The count value will increment on the falling edge. However, after a new count value has
been programmed at least one rising edge must have occurred before events will be
detected on the falling edge.
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User Manual PCF85x3, PCA8565 and PCF2123, PCA2125
Table 2.
Comparison of six real time clocks
PCx85x3 family
PCx212x family
Unique features
Very low
low power
consumption qualification RAM, event event
consumption, qualification
Type of interface
Interface bus speed
Scratch pad RAM
Year / leap year tracking
Year counter
400 kHz
400 kHz
100 kHz
240 bytes
yes / yes
2 bit
100 kHz
7 MHz
7 MHz
yes / yes
yes / yes
yes / yes
yes / yes
yes / yes
2 digit +
2 digit +
2 bit
2 digit
2 digit
1 century bit 1 century bit (4 years)
(4 years)
(99 years)
(99 years)
100 ms, 10 ms time register
Electronic tuning register
Programmable alarm and timer
Low voltage detector
Event counter mode
Option to select between two I2C
Integrated oscillator capacitor
Supply voltage range
1 at OSCO
1 at OSCO
1 at OSCO
1 at OSCO
1 at OSCO
1.8 V – 5.5 V 1.8 V – 5.5 V 2.5 V – 6.0 V 2.5 V – 6.0 V 1.6 V – 5.5 V 1.6 V – 5.5 V
1.0 V – 5.5 V 1.8 V – 5.5 V 1.0 V – 6.0 V 1.0 V – 6.0 V 1.1 V – 5.5 V 1.3 V – 5.5 V
Clock operating voltage
Typical current consumption
250 nA at
VDD = 1 V
650 nA at
VDD = 3 V
2 μA at
VDD = 1 V
1 μA at
VDD = 2 V
100 nA at
VDD = 2 V
550 nA at
VDD = 3 V
Operating temperature range
-40 °C to
+85 °C
-40 °C to
+125 °C
-40 °C to
+85 °C
-40 °C to
+85 °C
-40 °C to
+85 °C
-40 °C to
+125 °C
AEC-Q100 qualified
U [1], DIP8,
U [1], DIP8,
U [1]
Naked die
Some derived versions are available such as PCF8563A and PCA8565A which include
two integrated oscillator capacitors and are also available as naked die.
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User Manual PCF85x3, PCA8565 and PCF2123, PCA2125
4. Power-on reset (POR)
Traditionally a power-on reset circuit is a circuit that generates a reset pulse once the
supply voltage has reached a certain value upon power-up. The purpose is to ensure a
defined behavior at start-up. This type of power-on reset is not present in these RTCs.
The power-on reset circuit (POR) for these RTCs does not look at the supply voltage, but
instead it is based on an internal reset circuit which is active whenever the oscillator is
oscillator to start and during this time the circuit will generate a reset. Also when during
operation the OSCI- or OSCO-pin is pulled to ground, causing oscillation to stop, the
POR will generate a reset pulse. In the reset state the serial bus logic is initialized and all
registers are reset according to the register reset values. Not all registers will be reset.
The only registers that are reset are the ones that control a function i.e. decide on clock
mode, enable an alarm etc. Refer to the datasheet of the respective device for details.
The power on reset duration is thus directly related to the crystal oscillator start-up time.
Due to the long start-up times experienced by these types of circuits on-board testing of
the device would take longer too. In order to speed up this, a mechanism has been built
in to disable the POR (not for PCF8583, PCF8593 and PCF2123). This is called Power-
on reset override. Again, refer to the respective datasheet for details. Once the override
mode has been entered, the device stops immediately being reset and set-up operation
e.g. entry into the external clock test mode, may commence via the serial interface.
chip in reset
chip not in reset
Fig 1. Power-on reset
5. Voltage-low detector
PCF8563, PCA8565 and PCF2123 have an on-chip voltage-low detector, see Fig 2 and
of PCF8563 and PCA8565 is set. Generally the VL-bit is intended to indicate that the
time might be wrong, not that it necessarely is wrong. It will be set if one of the following
four conditions occur:
• The power has just been applied;
• The power has dipped down and then recovered;
• The power has gone away and then come back again;
• When the oscillator stops running.
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The implementation in the PCF2123 is slightly different. There a bit OS (Oscillator
Stopped) is present instead of VL. The OS flag is set whenever the oscillator is stopped,
and therefore also when this is due to the supply voltage dropping too low. The flag can
only be cleared by software and only if the oscillator is running again.
Main supply
normal power
Battery operation
period of battery
VL set
(1) Valid for PCF8563 and PCA8565
(2) Valid for PCF2123
Fig 2. Voltage-low detection
Fig 3. Oscillator-stop detection
In the case of PCF8563/PCA8565 bit VL set indicates that the integrity of the clock
information is no longer guaranteed. If the oscillator hasn’t stopped, the clock information
will still be ok, but with VDD having dropped below Vlow there is no guarantee that this still
is the case because there is no way to be sure that the oscillator kept running. The VL
flag can only be cleared by software.
Both VL and OS are intended to detect the situation when VDD is decreasing slowly, for
example under battery operation. Should VDD reach the limit where the flag is set before
power is re-asserted, then the flag VL or OS will indicate that time may be (VL) or is (OS)
corrupted. VDD dropping below Vlow or Vosc(min) in itself does not cause any register to be
reset. Once the oscillator stops some registers will be reset.
6. Oscillator
Pierce and uses an inverting amplifier with a crystal in the feedback path and load
capacitors CIN and COUT to provide the necessary additional phase shift. Some phase
shift is contributed as a result of the amplifier’s non-zero output impedance in
combination with COUT. The oscillator operates at the frequency for which the crystal is
anti-resonant (i.e. parallel resonant) with the total capacitive load of the oscillating circuit
as seen from the pins of the crystal. This total capacitance is called the load capacitance.
The load capacitance is defined as the capacitance seen from the pins of the crystal and
load capacitance which affects oscillator characteristics. However, it is not part of the
defined ‘load capacitance’. During manufacturing the crystal is tuned to the specified
frequency with a specified load capacitance connected to the crystal. Since C0 is part of
the crystal, it is automatically taken into account during the adjustment procedure.
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CSTRAY is a result of parasitic capacitances due to PCB traces, IC pins etc. and is directly
in parallel with C0 of the crystal. In a practical situation care needs to be taken to keep
these parasitic capacitances as low as possible since it will add to the load capacitance
and this load capacitance must meet the specified value for the crystal that is being used.
If the load capacitance presented to a crystal is smaller than what the crystal was
designed for, the oscillation frequency will be too high and thus if used with an RTC, the
clock will run too fast.
Fig 4. Pierce Oscillator equivalent diagram
The inverting amplifier (with feedback resistor, and drive resistor which are not included
crystal is a discrete device external to the integrated circuit. In the PCF85x3, PCA8565
and PCF2123, PCA2125 the output capacitor COUT is integrated on the integrated circuit.
Table 3.
Overview of internal and external oscillator capacitors
PCx85x3 family
PCx212x family
1 at OSCO
12.5 pF
1 at OSCO
12.5 pF
1 at OSCO
12. 5 pF
1 at OSCO
12.5 pF
Integrated oscillator capacitor
Targeted crystal load capacitance
Value of integrated CIN, typ.
1 at OSCO
12. 5 pF
7 pF [1]
14 pF
14 pF
0 pF
Value of integrated COUT, typ.
Theoretically required at pin OSCI
25 pF
25 pF
25 pF
40 pF
18 pF
25 pF
25 pF
25 pF
25 pF
25 pF
[1] Can be used with 9 pF and 12.5 pF as well if external capacitance is added
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The values used in practice will be a bit smaller than the theoretically required values due
to parasitic capacitances present in the application which add to the external physical
For the PCF2123 the integrated CIN and COUT are dimensioned for a crystal which
requires a load capacitance of 7 pF. If a crystal with required load capacitance of 12.5 pF
is used still a small external capacitor is required, otherwise the clock will run too fast.
For the other types the input capacitor CIN is external and needs to be mounted on the
printed circuit board. The power consumed by the oscillator circuit is through the amplifier
and losses in R1 of the crystal. Oscillation will start if the loop gain at 360° phase shift is
higher than one. The oscillator amplitude increases until the over-all loop gain is reduced
to exactly 1 through either non linear effects of the amplifier (self limiting Pierce) or
through some form of AGC (Automatic Gain Control) designed in into the amplifier.
The resonating frequency can be pulled by changing the value of the capacitor at OSCI
OSCI and OSCO should be connected to GND, except for PCF8573, PCF8583 and
PCF8593. For the latter three it is better to connect these external capacitors to VDD
instead because these devices are manufactured in a process that has the substrate
connected to VDD (n-substrate). In the other RTCs the substrate is at VSS (p-substrate).
(1) For PCF8573, PCF8583 and PCF8593 connect CIN and COUT (and CT if applicable) to VDD
Fig 5. Oscillator frequency determining components
frequency. Near the resonance frequency the equivalent circuit of the crystal consists of
the motional inductance L1, the motional capacitance C1 and the motional resistance R1
(in various literature also called series resistance RS). In parallel with this series circuit is
the static or shunt capacitance C0. It is the sum of the capacitance between the
electrodes and the capacitance added by the leads and mounting structure. If one were
to measure the reactance of the crystal at a frequency far away from a resonance
frequency, it is the reactance of this capacitance that would be measured.
When a crystal is chosen, such a crystal has a specified load capacitance CL. During
production the crystal manufacturer has adjusted the resonance frequency of the crystal
using exactly this capacitance as the load for the crystal. The actual value of CL as seen
by the crystal in the application is determined by the external circuitry and parasitic
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capacitances. The external components of the oscillator have to be chosen such that the
actual value of CL matches the specified value of CL. If there is mismatch the crystal will
not run exactly at its specified frequency resulting in the clock running slow or fast.
The crystal manufacturer can manufacture crystals for any load capacitance, but in
practice some standard values are used. For use in real-time clocks you may find
crystals specified for load capacitances of 7 pF, 9 pF and 12.5 pF with 12.5 pF the most
common value.
(1) Frequency on the left scale and the equivalent deviation from the nominal frequency in ppm
on the right scale
Fig 6. Graph of oscillator frequency as function of load capacitance CL
Fig 6 depicts the influence of the load capacitance applied to the crystal on the oscillator
frequency. The lower curve represents a crystal with a specified CL of 7 pF, the upper
curve represents a crystal with a specified CL of 12 pF. From this graph it is obvious that
the 7 pF crystal is more sensitive to deviations from the specified CL. If the applied CL is 1
pF lower than specified, the frequency deviation will be 18 ppm, whereas the 12.5 pF
crystal will only show a frequency deviation of 6 ppm if the applied CL is 1 pF below the
specified value. This is not surprising since the same absolute change in load
capacitance is a larger relative change if the load capacitance is smaller. A lower load
capacitance however will result in lower power consumption and in cases where this is
an important requirement a crystal with lower required CL could be selected.
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Now in order to determine the value of CL resulting from CIN, COUT (plus CT if mounted)
and CSTRAY it is necessary to realize that seen from the crystal, CIN and COUT are
effectively in series; the 32 kHz signal goes from OSCI through CIN to ground, via ground
to COUT and then through COUT to OSCO. In parallel with this series circuit is CSTRAY. For
the remainder of this discussion, whenever in formulas COUT is written this represents
either the value of COUT only, or in case a trimming capacitor CT is present too, the sum of
OUT and CT. Now the load capacitance CL is given by:
CL =
Since C0 is in parallel with CL the total capacitance in parallel with the motional arm
L1-C1-R1 is given by
The motional arm is a series circuit, which forms a closed circuit because there is a
capacitance CPAR connected in parallel to this series circuit. Of course the crystal itself
can’t oscillate stand alone, but the equivalent capacitance C which determines together
with L1 the resulting resonance frequency is now given by the series circuit of CPAR and
C1. Thus C is given by
C ⋅
+ C STRAY + C 0
C =
C +
+ C STRAY + C 0
that C1 is several orders of magnitudes smaller than the other capacitances in this
expression and therefore C1 dominates. C will be in the order of magnitude of C1 but it
will be a bit smaller as a result of CPAR in series.
With ω =
and Q =
the resulting resonance frequency and quality
ωC R1
factor can be calculated.
Because C1 is orders of magnitude smaller than the other capacitances Q can be
approximated by
Qa =
ωC1 R1
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L =
=11234 H
2π ⋅ f0
2 ⋅C1
2π ⋅32768
2 ⋅ 2.1⋅10−15
Q =
= 42053
2π ⋅ f0 ⋅C1 ⋅ R1
2π ⋅32768
⋅2.1⋅10−15 ⋅55⋅103
This L of around 11000 H resulting in a Q of around 42000 explains why starting up the
oscillator as well as stopping it can easily take more than a second. An oscillating quartz
crystal is actually a mechanical oscillation and starting or stopping this takes time.
Calculations of start up time and more in-depth theory about the oscillator and load
capacitance are beyond the scope of this user manual, but can be found in AN10716
“Background information and theory related to Real Time Clocks and crystals”.
The use of AGC’s improve start up by high drive initially to get it going and then reduce
drive for low power.
Table 4.
Typical values for crystal and surrounding capacitors
∆f / f0
ppm / °C2
Aging; ∆f / f0
B, freq(T)
25 ± 10
CIN, temp co.
CT variable
CT, temp co.
CT fixed 0603
CT fixed, tc
±30 for C0G
Sources for values in table 4:
[1] NXP, Datasheet PCF8563, February 2008.
[2] Product Data Sheets, MicroCrystal.
[3] Murata TZB04 trim capacitor
[4] Vishay Beyschlag, datasheet ceramic multilayer capacitor, C0G
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6.1 Oscillation allowance
Fig 4 shows the Pierce oscillator schematic with the external crystal. For an oscillation to
take place the real component of the oscillator impedance has to be larger than the
motional resistance R1 (sometimes called RS or ESR). If R1 is too large no oscillation will
take place since no operating point can be reached.
Similarly, if the supply voltage is too low or the temperature is too low, no oscillation can
build up.
A method to test how much margin the design has is to include a resistor RX in series
with the crystal. The value of the resistor is changed (a trimmer is useful here) to see at
which values of RX oscillation starts and stops. Starting from a large value of RX the
resistance is lowered until oscillation starts. This value of RX is called RX-start. Now the
value is increased again until oscillation stops, RX is called RX-stop
The oscillation allowance OA is defined as:
OA = RX-start + R1
As a rule of thumb, the motional resistance of the crystal chosen should be
R1 ≤
This test can be done in the lab under room temperature. This should give enough safety
margins to allow for production spread of IC and crystal and to deal with the increasing
value of R1 under influence of increased temperature.
6.2 Using an external oscillator
It is possible to supply a clock signal from an external oscillator instead of using the
internal oscillator if for some reason it is desired to not use the internal oscillator. In this
case no crystal will be connected to the OSCI and OSCO pins. Instead the external
oscillator must be connected to OSCI while OSCO must be left floating.
The signal may swing from VSS to VDD. However, with a crystal attached the signal
amplitude at the oscillator input pin would be about 500 mV, swinging around a 250 mV
bias i.e. never going negative (not for PCF8583 and PCF8593, see below). For the
PCF85x3 supplying a signal with amplitude between 500 mV and 1000 mV is a good
starting point, with the bias such that the signal doesn’t go negative and operates in the
same region as would have been the case with a crystal. Square or sine wave is both ok.
For the PCF2123 the amplitude should be somewhat smaller. If the oscillator amplitude
is larger than the supply voltage to the RTC it is advisable to use a resistive divider for
the oscillator signal to bring its amplitude within the supply voltage of the RTC. Without
such a divider it will work too and nothing will be damaged (as long as the currents via
the clamping diodes don’t exceed the maximum limits) because the device has internal
clamping diodes from VSS to OSCI and from OSCI to VDD (not on PCF2123). However,
performance will be better if the oscillator amplitude is brought within the range from 0 V
to the actual VDD used for the RTC. This will first prevent periodic currents flowing via the
upper clamping diode to the decoupling capacitor on the supply pin. Secondly the signal
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levels can be tuned such that they are similar to those when the internal oscillator is
Suppose that the RTC is supplied with 3.3 V and that the amplitude of the external CLK
is 5 V (from 0 V to 5 V). Using 1 M and 220 k resistors the signal could be reduced to
(220 / 1220) x 5 V = 0.9 V. This is better in line with the signals that the internal circuitry
handles when an external crystal is used as is the case in the standard application. This
reduced signal can then be applied to the OSCI pin directly or via a small capacitor of
e.g. 22 pF - 100 pF. This is a lower power option, where bias from the resistive devider
and oscillator will be lost and will be determined by the oscillator input. This option is also
more susceptible to noise.
If PCF8583 and PCF8593 are used together with a crystal, the signal would swing
around a bias of some 100 mV below VDD. If these RTCs are fed with an external signal,
it should be either AC coupled, or swinging with amplitude of around 1 V below VDD,
where the lower value may be lower than 1 V below VDD as well. For example, swinging
from (VDD – 1 V) to VDD would be ok, but also swinging from VSS to VDD.
Remark: Values mentioned here are guidelines only. For every application correct
operation must be verified.
7. Crystal and crystal selection
Select a crystal of the tuning fork type with a nominal frequency of 215 Hz = 32768 Hz.
The allowed tolerance depends on the requirements for the application and on whether a
trimming capacitor will be used. If a trimming capacitor will be used even a tolerance of
±100 ppm is ok since it can be compensated. Either through hole or surface mount
crystals can be used where the latter provide the smallest dimensions which makes the
circuit less susceptible to noise pick up.
As previously pointed out crystals used for RTCs come in three versions, optimized for
three standard values for CL with 12.5 pF the most common. Generally, an RTC using a
12.5 pF crystal has a timekeeping current of about 1.6x more than an RTC using a 7 pF
crystal. If lowest power consumption is a key consideration, a 7 pF crystal (some
manufacturers use 6 pF) should be selected. The PCF2123 has been optimized for use
with such a crystal. The other RTCs include load capacitance optimized for a 12.5 pF
crystal. Using a 7 pF crystal would require an external capacitor of about 9.7 pF and thus
the capacitances at OSCI and OSCO would not be balanced. In general this may have a
detrimental influence on start-up behaviour but no problems are expected when a 7 pF
crystal is used in combination with the PCF8563 because it uses an AGC in its oscillator.
An oscillator using a 12.5 pF crystal will be more stable and less susceptible to noise and
parasitic capacitances. One reason for this is that the capacitors on the input and output
will have higher values and therefore create a higher load for noise. Further these higher
values make the parasitic capacitance relatively smaller for the same PCB.
Besides technical considerations there are also procurement issues. Crystals designed
for a 12.5 pF load capacitance are readily available through many distributors. Crystals
designed for a load capacitance of 7 pF or 9 pF are not as readily available and may
have longer lead times or require a minimum quantity to be purchased.
The series resistance R1 should ideally remain below 50 kΩ. If higher values are used
(up to 100 kΩ is ok) the current consumption of the oscillator will increase a bit. If the
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value is really too high start up problems may occur, but up to 100 kΩ no start up
problems are expected. See 6.1”Oscillation allowance”.
The frequency accuracy of the oscillator depends mainly on the accuracy of the crystal
and on how well the crystal is matched to the oscillator capacitive load (CL). A too small
capacitive load results in the oscillator running fast, if the capacitive load is greater than
what the crystal was designed for the oscillator and thus clock runs slow. This initial error
temperature dependence of the crystal.
7.1 Modes which don’t work
To keep time with an adequate accuracy it is necessary to use a quartz crystal and thus
the use of a quartz crystal is always assumed in this application note. A very low power
crystal oscillator as used in an RTC requires a different set of parameters compared to a
universal oscillator accepting crystals, RC- and LC networks or a ceramic resonator. The
oscillator circuit is not designed for operating with RC or LC networks neither for use with
a ceramic resonator. Ceramic resonators have a much shorter start up time than crystals,
about 100 times faster. However, they have lower frequency accuracy (initial tolerance,
temperature variations, drift) and since in an RTC accurate timekeeping is the goal,
ceramic resonators are not a good choice for an RTC. Use a crystal.
7.2 Effect of temperature
A tuning fork crystal is usually cut such that its frequency over temperature is a parabolic
will resonate close to its target frequency at room temperature, but will slow down when
the temperature either increases or decreases from room temperature.
deviation Δf/f
T (°C)
Fig 7. The deviation in frequency vs. temperature of a typical 32.768 kHz crystal
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The frequency of a typical crystal at a specific temperature T is given by:
f = f0
1 + B
T −T0
Further f0 can be considered to consist of two components as
f0 = fnom + foff
Here fnom is the nominal frequency as specified and foff the offset from this nominal
frequency which is a result of production spread, both at room temperature.
f = ⎜ fnom + foff ⎟⋅
1 + B
T −T0
f − fnom
For the frequency deviation
and expressed in ppm, this results in:
= B
T − T0
1+ B
T − T0
In these equations f is the frequency, f0 is the frequency at room temperature, B is the
parabolic coefficient, T is the temperature and T0 is the turnover temperature where the
apex of the drift versus temperature curve occurs.
Three variables in equation (7.1) influence the frequency as a function of temperature.
These are the parabolic coefficient B, the turnover temperature T0 and the room
temperature offset foff. The crystal manufacturer specifies these parameters and typical
values are B = - 0.035 ppm/°C2 to - 0.04 ppm/°C2, T0 = 25 °C, ∆T0 = ± 5 °C and
foff = 30 ppm. The coefficient B has a very small spread for various crystals of one type,
but it has the largest effect on the parabolic nature of the frequency deviation as a
function of temperature. Variation in the turnover temperature T0 will shift the deviation
curve left or right, variation in the offset at room temperature will shift it up or down. In
practice the combination of variation in T0 and offset at room temperature easily results in
a (lack of) accuracy of ±30 ppm at room temperature which equates to a time deviation of
around 15 minutes per year.
Application note AN10652 “Improved timekeeping accuracy with PCF8563 using external
temperature sensor” describes how accuracy over temperature can be improved using
an external temperature sensor and a software algorithm. It can be used for the other
RTCs in this manual too in conjuction with the respective datasheets.
PCF2123 contains an offset register which allows fine tuning of the clock. This can be
used to compensate for crystal aging and temperature variations. See section 10.1.
Automotive RTCs PCA8565 and PCA2125 operate also at high ambient temperatures of
125 °C. Obviously also the crystal selected for these applications should be able to
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handle this temperature. Generally metal can quartzes are not recommended for high
temperatures because the termal cycling (expansion of package) will cause leakages in
the hermetically sealed package. Micro Crystal of Switzerland manufactures a wide
range of crystals which include crystals designed to operate up to 125 °C.
8. Capacitors and capacitor selection
The influence of temperature on the accuracy of the RTC application due to the
temperature coefficient of the capacitances CIN and COUT is far less than due to the
temperature coefficient of the crystal. Nevertheless it is good to be aware of some
differences between the various types of capacitors (dielectric) around.
Ceramic capacitors tend to have low inductance because of their flat plate construction.
Most other types of capacitor are wound and thus inductive. Nowadays SMD capacitors
are dominant in small signal applications.
The EIA (Electronic Industries Alliance) has issued EIA-535 which defines capacitor
dielectric classes. Class I and Class II dielectrics have been defined. Within these
classes several types of dielectric exist. The most common ceramic types are C0G/NP0,
X7R, Y5V and Z5U but others exist too.
C0G (EIA) or NP0 is the highest quality of these with the lowest capacitance /
temperature dependence (Negative-Positive Zero), but has a lower permittivity, which
means that its capacitance range is more restricted. NP0 refers to the shape of the
capacitor’s temperature graph and for NP0 this graph is nearly flat. It also exhibits a
negligible capacitance and dissipation factor change with voltage or frequency.
X7R is a reasonably stable high-permittivity dielectric which allows capacitance values up
to 1μF into a reasonable package. The available range is in the order from 100 pF to
22 μF in SMT, larger values are available in leaded packages. X7R formulations fall into
EIA Class II materials. X7R is the most popular of these intermediate dielectric constant
materials. Its capacitance variation as a function of temperature is within ±15 % from
-55 °C to +125 °C. This capacitance change is non-linear and therefore difficult to
express in ppm/°C since it changes over the temperature range. Capacitance for X7R
varies under the influence of electrical operating conditions such as voltage and
frequency. This rules out many applications, leaving only the general purpose
applications like coupling and decoupling. The leakage current is sufficiently low.
Y5V formulations are for general-purpose use in a limited temperature range. Available
range is from 1 nF to 22 μF in SMT, larger in leaded packages. They have a wide
capacitance change of +22 % to –82 % over the operating temperature range of –30°C
to +85°C. As an example, at 31% of the rated voltage (5 V over a 16 V capacitor) the
resulting capacitance will have reduced to a quarter of the rated value. The effective
decoupling capacitance present may thus be much less than expected. Y5V’s high
dielectric constant allows the manufacture of the highest capacitance value in a given
case size. These characteristics make Y5V ideal for decoupling applications within
limited temperature range. When specifying the values, the dependence on temperature
and applied voltage must be taken into account.
Z5U shows in comparison to the previous types a much worse performance. Its
capacitance changes by over 50 % with changes in temperature and applied voltage. Its
temperature range is only +10 °C to +85 °C. Its initial tolerance can be as high as -20 %
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to +80 %. Its only redeeming feature is its high permittivity which allows high capacitance
values, typically ranging from 1 nF to 4.7 µF. Good for bypass and coupling applications.
It has low price, small size and low temperature stability.
Conclusion: For the oscillator only C0G types should be used. This will almost always
automatically be the case since the other types are usually not available in such small
values. For the decoupling of the RTC, use a capacitor with X7R dielectric. Using SMD
packages results in the lowest parasitic inductances and the small dimensions enable the
smallest loops which reduces sensitivity to EMI.
A more expensive alternative for the decoupling X7R capacitor is a film capacitor using
Polyethylene naphthalate (PEN), another form of polyester. It has very good heat
resistance, but is otherwise much like polyester. It is available in larger sizes than C0G
ceramic, lower temperature drift than polyester, and lower leakage than X7R. PEN
capacitors are available to 125 °C. It is commonly found in SMD capacitors, including
large values (>1 μF).
9. Accuracy
How accurate is accurate??
The international System of Units (SI) has defined the second as the duration of
9,192,631,770 cycles of radiation corresponding to the transition between two energy
levels of the ground state of the cesium-133 atom. This definition makes the cesium
oscillator (often called an atomic clock) the primary standard for time and frequency
measurements. Its accuracy is extremely high with deviations of only a second per
several million years. This equates to accuracy in the order of 10-8 ppm or better.
In dealing with RTCs it is common to express accuracy in ppm, parts per million. But
what does it mean in more human units? A clock going too fast 1 s/day has an accuracy
of 1 / (number of seconds in a day) = 1 / (24 x 3600) = 11.57 ppm. The other way around,
20 ppm is about 1 minute per month.
1 s/week = 1.65 ppm, 1 s/month = 0.4 ppm and 1 s/year = 0.031 ppm. In contrast, a good
mechanical watch has a deviation of less than 12 s/day or 1300 ppm.
Fig 8 compares the magnitude of the different spreads and variations.
The RTC accuracy dominantly depends on the parameters of the resonating crystal. The
initial frequency tolerance foff can be compensated by tuning the external capacitance.
The temperature coefficient of the external capacitances has almost no effect. The main
contribution comes from the temperature coefficient of the crystal. In contrast to AT-cut
crystals tuning fork crystals have the parabolic temperature dependence indicated in
Fig 7 which results in a slow down of the clock if the temperature is lower or higher than
T0 which is in the range of 25 to 28 degrees. The same type of crystal is also used in
wrist watches and the turnover temperature of the crystal matches well with the
temperature at the wrist which is typically about 28 °C and quite stable.
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Fig 8. Influences on time accuracy
1. The line at the top indicates the frequency tolerance of the crystal in this example.
The distance between two vertical lines represents (at the top) 1 s/day or 11.57 ppm.
The crystal spread covers about 8.5 lines and thus indicates a spread of about
100 ppm.
2. The production spread of the crystal can be compensated by adjusting the pulling
capacitor CT (in the graph called C6) as long as the value of CT is chosen correctly.
Here the pulling range is large enough to compensate for a spread of ±175 ppm.
Typically a variable capacitor has a temperature coefficient of ±300 ppm/°C to 500
ppm/°C. This capacity change has a very small influence on the accuracy of the
oscillator and its influence is shown in the third line from the bottom of the graph. The
solid line shows the impact of CT (here C6) if the value is small. If CT is large the
variation is larger as indicated with the dotted line.
3. Zooming in on a range of about 35 ppm…
4. The integrated load capacitance has a finite production spread and its potential
influence on the accuracy of the oscillator depends on the value of the integrated
capacitor. Whether the internal capacitor is connected to the input (CIN or to the
output COUT) doesn’t make a difference. The solid line (third solid line from the top)
covers a range of 1.8 s/day, or around 21 ppm. A greater value of CIN could have a
larger influence indicated by the dotted line.
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5. Tuning CT will increase the initial accuracy, indicated by reducing the range covered
to the spread of CIN. Depending on how well CT is tuned, the initial spread can be
well compensated for.
6. Here the influence on accuracy due to aging of the crystal is given. This shift occurs
mainly during the first year of the crystal’s life and in the graph a range of about 420
ms/day to 850 ms/day is indicated (±10 ppm). So if the RTC were running correctly
initially, after a year it could be fast or slow by about 0.4 s/day.
due to the temperature dependence of the crystal. The parabolic nature of this
dependence is indicated here as well and covers about 40 ppm over the temperature
range -10 °C to +60 °C.
8. The impact of a change in VDD is small; a ∆VDD of 1.5 V will change the clock speed
by about 17 ms/day.
From this an important recommendation follows: If possible place the crystal and IC-
circuit at the spot with the least temperature variations.
10. Oscillator tuning
The PCF8563, PCF2123, PCA8565 and PCA2125 all have a CLKOUT pin which is an
open drain output. It provides the option to output the buffered crystal frequency (or a
lower frequency derived from the crystal frequency using division by a power of 2) which
can be achieved by enabling CLKOUT in the appropriate control register and choosing
the desired frequency. Refer to the datasheet of the actual device used for details on
how to enable CLKOUT and set the frequency at this pin. Possible output frequencies for
the PCF8563 and PCA8565 are 1 Hz, 32 Hz, 1024 Hz and 32768 Hz. The PCF2123 and
PCA2125 offer some additional choices and the possible frequencies at the CLKOUT pin
are 1 Hz, 1024 Hz, 2048 Hz, 4096 Hz, 8192 Hz, 16384 Hz and 32768 Hz.
PCF8573, PCF8583 and PCF8593 do not include a CLKOUT pin.
Having the CLKOUT pin enables easy tuning of the crystal frequency. A designers’ initial
impulse may be to connect an oscilloscope probe to the OSCO pin, but this is not a good
idea. It may cause the oscillator to stop, but even if the oscillator keeps running the
added capacitance of the probe will cause a drift in oscillator frequency. By connecting a
pull-up resistor to the CLKOUT pin and measuring the frequency there, a much more
accurate result can be achieved. The frequency can now be tuned by adjusting the
variable capacitor CT.
Remark: Touching the adjustment screw often causes the capacitance to shift. The setup
is shown in Fig 9.
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Fig 9. Oscillator tuning
In order to be able to adjust the clock with accuracy better than 1 s/day, the frequency
counter used to check the output at CLKOUT should have at least an 8 digit reading with
an accuracy of 1 ppm.
Given a nominal frequency of 32.768 kHz, 1 ppm = 32.728 mHz (milli Hertz). Therefore
+1 ppm = 32768.0327 Hz, -1 ppm = 32767.9673 Hz. Tune the oscillator while it is at the
average operating temperature of the application.
The PCF8573 can be tuned by monitoring the 128 Hz signal at the FSET output.
Tuning the PCF8583/93 is somewhat more difficult since no buffered clock signal is
available. There are four different options, all with their own drawbacks:
• Measure the period of the 1 s output signal (countdown timer). This however is time
• Attach the frequency counter probe to the OSCO-pin. This adds capacity to the
OSCO-pin and detunes (lowers) the oscillator frequency by ∆f. The frequency
adjustment now needs to be lower by the same ∆f in order for the clock to run at the
correct speed after the probe has been removed again. Obviously the difficulty here
lies in determining how big ∆f is;
• In the watch industry the frequency is coupled out acoustically. A sensitive
microphone is placed near the crystal. The signal is then fed as input to the tuning
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• In the datasheets of PCF8583 and PCF8593 the following method is described:
Using the alarm function (via the I2C-bus) a signal faster than 1 Hz can be generated
at the interrupt output for fast setting of a trimmer. Procedure:
ƒ Power-on;
ƒ Initialization (alarm functions).
ƒ Set clock to time T and set alarm to time T + ∆T
ƒ At time (T + ∆T) (Interrupt) repeat the routine.
However, this only works well when ∆T is an integer number of seconds. The 1/10 s
and the 1/100 s are derived from a combination of 1 Hz, 2 Hz, 4 Hz, 8 Hz, 16 Hz,
32 Hz etc. signals. The accuracy is therefore only < ± 5 ms. Generating an alarm
after T + ∆T with ∆T = 20 ms will show a jitter of plus or minus 5 ms which makes
automatic tuning very complicated.
10.1 PCF2123 Offset register
The PCF2123 incorporates an offset register which can be used to implement several
functions, e.g.:
• Ageing adjustment
• Temperature compensation
• Accuracy tuning
The offset is made once every two hours in the normal mode, or once every hour in the
course mode. Each LSB will introduce an offset of 2.17 ppm for normal mode and 4.34
ppm for course mode. These values are based on a nominal 32.768 kHz clock. The
offset value is coded in two’s complement giving a range of +63 LSB’s to -64 LSB’s. The
correction is made by adding or subtracting 64 Hz clock correction pulses, thereby
changing the period of a single second.
In normal mode, the correction is triggered once every two hours and then correction
pulses are applied once per minuted until the programmed correction value has been
In course mode, the correction is triggered once per hour and then correction pulses are
applied once per minute up to a maximum of 60. When absolute correction values of
greater than 60 are used, additional correction pulses are made in the 59th minute.
It is possible to monitor when correction pulses are applied. The correction interrupt
enable (CIE) mode will generate a 1/128 second pulse on INT for every correction
applied. In the case where multiple correction pulses are applied, a 1/128 second
interrupt pulse will be generated for each correction pulse applied. Correction is applied
to the 1 Hz clock. Any timer or clock output using a frequency of 1 Hz or below will also
be affected by the correction pulses. For more details, refer to the PCF2123 datasheet.
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11. Century and leap year, Daylight Saving Time
For details on how to implement century tracking and year / leap year tracking, please
refer to the datasheets of the respective RTC since register set up differs from type to
leap year tracking.
11.1 Century tracking
The PCF8563 and PCA8565 contain an 8-bit year register which holds the current year
coded in BCD format. These two RTCs further contain a century flag which is toggled
when the year counter proceeds from 99 to 00.
PCF8583 and PCF8593 have a four year calendar only and no provision to deal with
century change. Also the PCF8573 has no provision to deal with century change.
PCF2123 and PCA2125 contain an 8-bit year register which holds the current year coded
in BCD format. There is no century flag. Therefore application firmware needs to deal
with century change.
11.2 Year and leap year tracking
A leap year (or intercalary year) is a year containing one extra day in order to keep the
calendar year synchronised with the astronomical or seasonal year. Adding an extra day
to the calendar every four years compensates for the fact that a solar year is almost six
hours longer than 365 days. However, the duration of a solar year is slightly less than
365.25 days and therefore some exceptions to this rule are required. Years that are
evenly divisible by 100 are not leap years unless they are also evenly divisible by 400.
For example, 1600 and 2000 were leap years, but 2100, 2200 and 2300 will not be.
The PCF8563, PCA8565, PCF2123 and PCA2125 all contain an 8-bit year register which
can hold values from 00 to 99 in BCD format. These real time clocks compensate for
leap years by adding a 29th day to February if the year counter contains a value which is
exactly divisible by 4, including the year 00. Therefore in the year 2100 these RTCs add
one day to February, where they shouldn’t because it is not a leap year. Until then
however leap year correction is correct and automatic.
PCF8583 and PCF8593 have a four year calendar only, which includes leap year
tracking. The application firmware needs to deal with keeping track of the actual year.
The PCF8573 has a time counter which counts minutes, hours, days, and months,
however, no years. It provides a calendar function in which firmware needs to track the
years and which needs to be corrected once every four years to allow for leap year.
11.3 Daylight Saving Time (DST)
There is no provision to deal with day light saving time. Since DST is not implemented
equally worldwide and can change often, it is usually better not to implement DST in the
RTC but to have the application firmware deal with it. Therefore customers whose
applications depend on proper adjustment to DST are advised to design their products
such that firmware handles DST changes.
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12. Initialization and setting of alarm and timer
Setting the clock is a straightforward procedure, setting first the mode and then the actual
time. This example is for the PCF8563 and for reference its block diagram is given in
Fig 10 which shows the registers and their addresses. The procedure for the other RTCs
is similar but there are small differences in register structure and therefore the
appropriate datasheet should be consulted first.
32.768 kHz
Fig 10. Block Diagram PCF8563
Examples for initialisation and setting of time, alarm and timer are given below.
12.1 Initialization of the RTC and setting the time
Table 5 on the next page shows the sequence of commands to be sent to the RTC for
initialization and setting the time.
In this example the time to be set is Friday, July 16 2008, 2:45 pm.
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Table 5.
Setting the time and date
Sequence of commands / data to be sent
Binary (BCD)
generate I2C start condition
1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1
0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
I2C slave address, write
word address 0, next bytes are data
control/status 1, no test modes or POR override
control/status 2, no alarm/timer flags or interrupts
set seconds, clear voltage low detector
set minutes to 45
set hours to 14
set days to 16
set weekdays to Friday, Monday is day 1
set month to 7 and century bit to 1
set years to 08
disable minute alarm and reset to 00
disable hour alarm and reset to 00
disable day alarm and reset to 00
disable weekday alarm and reset to 00
set frequency out to 32768 Hz e.g. for tuning
timer switched off
generate I2C stop condition
12.2 Alarm
It is possible to program several types of alarm. Let’s take the example to set an alarm
such that always 15 minutes past the hour the alarm flag AF is set and an interrupt
Table 6.
Setting the alarm
Sequence of commands / data to be sent
Binary (BCD)
generate I2C start condition
I2C slave address, write
1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
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Binary (BCD)
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
word address 9 for minute alarm
minute alarm enabled and set to 15 minutes
hour alarm is disabled
day alarm is disabled
weekday alarm is disabled
generate I2C start condition (repeated start)
I2C slave address, write
1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
word address 1, next bytes are data
Control/status 2, clear alarm flag and enable alarm
generate I2C stop condition
Remark: The interrupt is only set at the counter transition from 14 to 15. This is indicated
Fig 11. Alarm function
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12.3 Setting the timer
The internal timer is an 8-bit countdown timer which is controlled by the timer control
register. The timer counts down from a software-loaded 8-bit binary value. It can be
clocked by four different source clock frequencies: 4096 Hz, 64 Hz, 1 Hz or 1/60 Hz.
This example for the PCF8563 generates an interrupt after 10 ms:
• Clock to be used 4096 Hz;
• Number of clock pulses needed = 0.01 x 4096 = 40;
• Error = 40 / 4096 Hz – 0.01 = -234 μs;
• Length of I2C-bus initialization: 3 start conditions, 3 pulses each + 9 bytes, 9 pulses
each = 90 clocks @ 400 kHz = 225 μs. Creating the clock asynchronously also gives
the timer”.). The interrupt will generate an output pulse after 9.991 ms or if the
counter is set to 41 the interrupt will start after 10.236 ms.
• The timer is started by the acknowledge of the start timer instruction.
Table 7.
Setting the timer
Sequence of commands / data to be sent
Binary (BCD)
generate I2C start condition
1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
I2C slave address, write
word address 1 (control/status register 2)
clear all flags, enable timer interrupt
generate I2C start condition (repeated start)
I2C slave address, write
1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
Word address 0FHEX for timer value
Timer value set to 40, 28HEX
generate I2C start condition (repeated start)
I2C slave address, write
1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
word address OE for timer control byte
Select clock frequency 4096 Hz and start timer
generate I2C stop condition
timer operation.
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13. Backup power supply
A real time clock is a clock that keeps track of the time as humans use it (hours, minutes,
seconds, years etc.) and usually even when the rest of the system is turned off.
Therefore in order to be able to always represent Real Time, real time clocks need a
power supply even if the rest of the system is off. This backup power supply is often a
dedicated battery or super capacitor. A super cap is a special low voltage capacitor that
offers an unusual high capacitance of for example 0.47 F or 1 F in a relatively small
package, especially developed for backing up volatile memory or RTCs. In case a battery
is used, it may be a primary cell (non rechargeable) or a secondary cell (rechargeable)
like NiCd or NiMH. All RTCs in this manual incorporate neither a dedicated switch-over
circuit nor a charger and therefore this has to be realized with some external
components. Only a few components are necessary to realize this as is illustrated in
some example circuit diagrams.
If an RTC will be backed up by a battery or capacitor the current demands of the RTC,
the required lifetime and the energy available in the backup source need to be matched.
Backup source properties are dependent on the ambient conditions in which the
application has to operate or will be stored and therefore it is important to consider these
when making a choice of how to provide backup power. Criteria such as expected
system life time, ambient temperature, manufacturing requirements, cost and legal
regulations must be taken into account. The table below gives an indicative overview of
possible backup power sources and key selection criteria.
Table 8.
Overview of common backup supply components and key selection criteria
[° C]
Charging circuit Backup time Cost
and nr. of cycles
Restrictions on
disposal and
Primary Lithium -30 to +80
(NiCd / NiMH)
0 to +40
(during charging)
Simple / ± 500
Super Capacitor -40 to +85
Simple / unlimited Short
Medium / High Low
13.1 Lithium Primary cells
Amongst the primary cells, the lithium battery has the highest energy density and a very
low self discharge rate. This enables a long backup time without taking up too much
space in the application. Lithium batteries, when not used properly, may constitute a risk
of fire and therefore for the end product to get safety approval, certain guidelines must be
taken into account. Refer to IEC/UL 60950.
Recognized lithium batteries are classified as either rechargeable or non-rechargeable.
Non-rechargeable lithium batteries (primary cells) require two blocking components
(diode) or a blocking component and a current limiting component (resistor) in its circuit.
A rechargeable lithium battery (secondary cell) only requires a current limiting
component. In order to charge such a battery properly, a relatively complicated circuit is
necessary which controls both voltage and current and which will not be discussed here.
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The mentioned IEC/UL standard states that circuits employing lithium batteries shall be
designed to prevent forced charge and discharge if this would result in a hazard.
Practically this means that the application must ensure that both charging and
discharging currents will be limited to safe values under any circumstances in order for
the application to pass Underwriters Laboratories safety approval, or other similar
standards. If a series diode is added meeting full UL requirements is not difficult. An
and the specification of the battery used.
100 nF
3.0 V to 3.6 V
(1) D2 may not always be necessary. Refer to text.
Fig 12. Backup circuit using primary lithium cell
3.0 V or 3.6 V Lithium batteries are suitable and sizes are available that can power an
RTC for over 10 years. The battery can simply be connected via a diode D2 to VDD of the
RTC and ground. If for D2 a Schottky diode is chosen, voltage drop is limited. However,
since the voltage of a lithium cell remains rather stable over its life time this is usually not
necessary. Depending on the soldering method used the battery can often only be
placed after the board has been soldered to avoid short circuiting of the battery during
the soldering process or damaging the lithium cells due to the high temperatures that
occur during soldering; cell temperature must remain typically below 85 °C. Therefore a
holder must be provided in which the battery is placed after soldering, or the battery must
be soldered separately on the board after the other components have been placed. This
increases cost.
Self discharge at room temperature and below is typically less than 1% per year. At
higher temperatures, say above about 60 °C, self discharge increases quickly. Obviously,
this self discharge also occurs when the RTC is not battery powered, the lithium cell is
always there. Therefore the storage and operating temperature of the application is to be
considered as well. During battery discharge the voltage remains stable such that at the
end of life the voltage is almost the same as with a fresh battery and then suddenly
dropping fast.
Many countries govern disposal of electronics products including the batteries at end of
life. In some cases the manufacturer is responsible for complying with such regulations
which may need some attention during design of the product.
In order to calculate the possible backup time, based upon the current consumption of
the RTC, divide the cell capacity in ampere-hours by the timekeeping current draw of the
RTC. For example, a BR1220 battery with a capacity of 35 mAh would have a theoretical
life time while supplying 250 nA to a PCF8563 of 35 mAh/250 nA = 140 000 hours. This
equals about 16 years. However, this is only true at room temperature where electrolyte
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evaporation can be neglected. At elevated temperatures of for example 60 °C electrolyte
evaporation will be much higher. Refer to the manufacturer’s datasheet. Vendors of
lithium batteries include Panasonic, Sanyo and Varta.
13.2 NiCd and NiMH secondary batteries
The well known Nickel-Cadmium and Nickel-Metal Hydride batteries can also be used to
provide backup power to an RTC. In many countries use of NiCd batteries will be
restricted in favour of NiMH batteries due to environmental considerations (cadmium).
NiMH batteries also suffer less from the memory effect than NiCd batteries. As a further
plus, NiMH batteries provide a higher energy density than NiCd batteries, but on the
other hand have a higher self discharge rate (about 20 % per month at room
temperature) than NiCd batteries (about 10 % per month). The timekeeping current draw
of an RTC is so low that often – depending on the selected battery capacity - the self
discharge is the determining factor for the available backup time, which in that case
would make the NiCd more suitable for backup applications. The typical operating
temperature range during charging is approximately 0 °C to +40 °C. During discharge the
permitted operating temperature range is a bit wider, in the order of -10 °C to +50 °C.
Just like lithium cells NiCd and NiMH batteries must be separately soldered or placed in
a battery holder after the board has gone through reflow soldering. The charging circuit
for NiCd and NiMH batteries in this application can be very simple; just trickle charge it
via a resistor or other form of current limiting. Ordinary NiMH batteries are less suitable
for trickle charging than NiCd batteries which is another reason that often NiCd batteries
are better in this application. However, as pointed out before, use of NiCd batteries will
be restricted in many countries due to environmental considerations. Therefore it will be
harder to find NiCd batteries for backup purposes. They are being replaced by newer
NiMH batteries in the same form factor and which are suitable for trickle charging. An
application diagram is given in Fig 13.
100 nF
3.6 V to 4.8 V
(1) Due to the low RTC current consumption, a parallel diode over R1 (directed from the battery to
the RTC) will not be of any use. The voltage drop over R1 is small
Fig 13. Backup circuit using secondary cell (NiCd or NiMH)
The capacity of a battery is expressed as C. The charge or discharge current can now
also be expressed in relation to the capacity of the battery. Assume a battery with a
capacity of one ampere-hour (1 Ah). A discharge current of C/10 now equals 1 Ah / 10 h
= 100 mA. The recommended charge current is also specified as a fraction of C.
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The recommended trickle charge current for a NiCd or NiMH is expressed as a fraction of
C and is typically in the range C/50…C/20. Refer to the datasheet of the selected battery.
A too small trickle current will not properly keep the battery fully charged, a too high
current leads to overcharging and this will limit the life time of the battery. A diode D1 is
necessary to prevent the backup battery from supplying circuitry other than just the RTC.
Battery life time is limited by the number of charge / discharge cycles. Typically after 500
cycles the capacity has dropped to 60% of the original capacity which is defined as end
of life for the battery.
As an example the selected battery (Varta 3/V150H) is a 3.6 V NiMH type with a capacity
of 150 mAh. The recommended trickle charge current is 4.2 mA. This equals C/36. If the
supply voltage VSUP = 5.5 V, then R1 = (5.5 – 0.5 – 3.6) V / 4.2 mA = 330 Ω. At such small
currents, the forward voltage of a diode is less than 0.7 V and was assumed to be 0.5 V.
Vendors of NiCd and NiMH batteries include Panasonic, Sanyo and Varta.
13.3 Capacitors
In order to provide backup power to applications like RTC and volatile memory a special
type of capacitor (supercap) was developed which combines a high capacitance, low-
leakage and relatively small dimensions. Common values are a few mF up to 1 Farad
and sometimes even more. These supercaps do not have a dielectric like ordinary
capacitors but use a physical mechanism that generates a double electric field which
acts like a dielectric. They are also referred to as EDL capacitors, Electric Double Layer
capacitors. Charging-discharging occurs in the ion absorption layer which is formed on
the surfaces of the positive and negative electrodes. Manufacturers of this type of
capacitor use two types of electrolyte. One is water-soluble and the other is non-water-
soluble. The latter can withstand higher voltage per cell. This type of capacitor thus uses
special techniques in order to achieve such high capacitance values in a compact
package. Just like an electrolytic capacitor it is polarized.
The equivalent circuit consists of many RC series circuits, connected in parallel. The
capacitor is comprised of many small capacitances having resistances of various values
in series. Therefore the current through the capacitor can be regarded as the sum of the
currents flowing through each of the small capacitors. Due to the internal resistances, it
will take many hours before the capacitor is fully charged, also when it is connected
without external series resistor directly to a voltage source.
Capacitors are used for applications where backup power needs to be provided for
relatively short times. Due to the low current consumption of an RTC it is possible to get
several weeks of backup operation using a supercap. Using the PCF2123 or PCF8563
with a value of 1 F or 1.5 F will even result in several months of backup time. Advantages
of a capacitor over batteries are amongst others the ability to be soldered together with
the other components in wave or reflow soldering. There are also no regulations
regarding disposal because they don’t contain any heavy metals. Just like the NiCd or
NiMH batteries, the capacitor needs to be charged during normal operation and will
provide backup power when the application is off since the RTC still needs to keep track
of the battery. Connecting the supercap directly in parallel with the normal decoupling
capacitor between VDD and VSS is possible, but it is recommended to use a series resistor
R1. The capacitance of the capacitor will change over its lifetime, especially at higher
temperatures. An increase of temperature by ten degrees results in a 50% decrease of
lifetime. Therefore be sure to specify extra backup time initially to allow for this decrease.
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If backup is only needed for a few minutes to deal with short interruptions in power, it is
possible to use a small inexpensive electrolytic capacitor.
Supercaps can not be bought from as many vendors as ordinary electrolytic capacitors.
They are available from such vendors as Panasonic, AVX and Cornell Dubilier. Important
specifications are working voltage and leakage current. If the rated working voltage is
only slightly exceeded, lifetime may be reduced. The leakage current should be as small
as possible. A standard electrolytic capacitor has a leakage current several times larger
than the timekeeping current consumption of the RTC and will limit the backup time
severely. Also leakage current of super capacitors can easily exceed the timekeeping
current consumption of an RTC and careful selection will result in longer backup time.
In most applications the lifetime of a supercap will exceed the lifetime of a NiCd or NiMH
battery. It decreases however with increasing temperature, humidity, applied voltage and
current. Although a supercap will often be the better choice as backup source compared
to rechargeable batteries in terms of available backup time, life time and cost (both for
relatively short backup times), for every specific application pros and cons of both must
be evaluated.
13.3.1 Charging the backup capacitor
Although not strictly necessary it is advised to charge the capacitor via a resistor in order
to limit the charge current. A resistor in series with a capacitor creates an RC-time
constant Τ. In order to calculate the charging time of the capacitor the following
parameters are important:
• Capacitor value (i.e. 1 F)
• Capacitor starting voltage (i.e. 0 V)
• Series resistor (i.e. 4.7 kΩ)
The time constant T of the circuit equals R·C. The capacitor can be considered charged
after a time t = 5T. For this example t = 5 x 1 x 4700 = 23500 seconds. This is about 6.5
hours. This is the theoretical charging time of a capacitor with series resistance, but for a
supercap it may take even longer to become fully charged due to the many internal
series resistances with various values.
In this example the capacitor is charged to the supply voltage. Since the time keeping
voltage is lower than the supply voltage that is used in a typical application, it does not
take a time t = 5T for the capacitor to reach a voltage where it can start backing up the
RTC if main power would be interrupted.
13.3.2 Estimation of backup time with capacitor
In order to keep the calculations simple a constant current draw of the RTC is estimated
also when the supply voltage drops as the capacitor gets discharged. It is assumed that
the capacitor is fully charged. The following data is necessary for the calculations:
• VCbackupstart
: The backup capacitor voltage when backup starts.
• VCbackupend
: The backup capacitor voltage when backup ends, which equals the
• IRTC : The time keeping current consumption of the RTC. For lowest current
consumption disable CLK-OUT.
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Using C·V = I·t:
C ⋅
VCbackupstart −VCbackupend
Assuming that the PCF8563 is used, that VCbackupstart = 3.3 V, that the RTC current
consumption is 250 nA and a backup capacitor value of 0.47 F it is possible to estimate
the available backup time. The oscillator stops running when VDD drops to 1.0 V.
0.47 F ⋅
3.3 V − 1.0 V
t backup
= 4324000 s
250 ⋅ 10 − 9
As one day contains 86400 seconds this thus corresponds to 50 days. In order to reserve
for capacitor and supply current tolerances and variations in temperature, a 30% margin
should be included. This means reducing the backup time by 30% resulting in 35 days.
In this calculation example the leakage currents through diode D1 and through the super
cap have been ignored. In a similar way the required capacitance value can be
calculated if the required backup time is known.
13.4 Diode selection
In order to optimize possible backup time it is useful to select a low leakage diode for D1,
i.e. a diode with a low reverse current. If without further consideration a common small
signal diode is chosen, its reverse current may be in the order of the current consumption
of the RTC when the RTC is just keeping time without being accessed. The common
1N4148 for example has a specified maximum reverse current of 25 nA at 25 °C which
however can increase to 300 nA at 80 °C. Whether this is a problem depends on the
application. If it is, special low leakage diodes are available which in some cases limit
reverse current IR to a few nano ampere. These diodes are all available from NXP.
Table 9.
Some suggestions for diode D1
0.2 nA
1 nA
3 pA
5 nA
3 pA
5 nA
Typ. reverse current IR at 25 °C
Max. reverse current IR at 25 °C
0.2 nA
1 nA
0.2 nA
5 nA
25 nA
Price indication, relative w.r.t.
(0.02 $)
BAS116 is the cheapest alternative here and shows low leakage current. BAV170 is
equally good and for the same price it offers two diodes in a 3-pin package, with common
used such that it represents both D1 and D2.
As stated before, usually it is not necessary to select a Schottky diode. In case some
application requires ultra low voltage drop over the diode, an option is the PMEG3005EB
which shows very small forward voltage drop at the expense of a higher reverse current.
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14. PCB layout guidelines
The tuning fork crystal’s drive level is extremely low (< 1 μW) and the input of the
amplifier used in the oscillator (pin OSCI) has a very high impedance. This makes the
circuit susceptible to signals generated by other circuits on the board, or further away.
Generally the lower the timekeeping current, the more susceptible the crystal
connections will be to noise, since lower current consumption implies higher impedance
nodes. The track from crystal to amplifier input can easily work as an antenna and
therefore should be kept as short as possible. The output of the amplifier OSCO is
connected to the other side of the crystal and is thus a sensitive node as well. In order to
ensure proper operation some PCB guidelines should be strictly adhered to.
• Traces between the oscillator input and output pins, the crystal and the external load
capacitors, should be as short as possible. Place also a 100 nF – 470 nF decoupling
capacitor close to the RTC with short tracks to VDD and VSS.
• The external load capacitor’s layout preferably is symmetrical and both ground
connections should be as close as possible.
• In order to avoid direct signal coupling, OSCI and OSCO traces should be routed as
far away as possible from each other.
• Routing on inner layers and vias of the oscillator signals must be avoided. Vias form
an inductance.
• Digital signal lines should be kept as far as possible from the crystal (this includes
the serial bus signals to the RTC).
• Digital signal lines or other signal lines with high frequency content should not be
routed on inner layers under the crystal / RTC area.
• Route the CLKOUT signal away from the crystal connections. If possible route a
ground or power track between the CLKOUT signal and crystal connections.
• The crystal housing (metal-can packages) should be connected to ground (not for the
PCF8573, PCF8583 and PCF8593; here connect the housing to VDD).
• The PCA8565A and PCF2123 (here for CL = 7 pF) include two integrated oscillator
capacitors and thus don’t need external oscillator capacitances. This also means that
no compensation can be made by choosing slightly smaller values if the layout
introduces parasitic capacitance due to ground signals or planes.
• A dedicated RTC ground plane should be placed beneath the crystal and the
input/output capacitors, possibly also running beneath the RTC itself. Input/output
capacitors can be connected to this ground plane. This ground plane should be
connected with a short trace to VSS of the real-time clock, and should not be
connected to any other ground signals. Therefore only one connection between this
ground plane and general GND exists and thus it is ensured that no unknown
currents will run via the dedicated RTC ground plane. Remember that success in
noise/disturbance-free design depends on always knowing where all the currents
flow (and keeping them away from where they are not wanted).
external oscillator capacitor is adjustable. Often a fixed capacitor wil be used. In this case
place it horizontally such that the loop from the RTC via the capacitor to GND is as small
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(1) In practice the input capacitor CT will in most cases be a fixed capacitor
Fig 14. PCB layout proposal for PCF8563 using leaded components
Alternatively to the last point listed above and in order to achieve highest noise immunity,
a guard ring can be placed around the crystal which must be tied to ground to isolate the
crystal from unwanted noise pickup. It should be tied to VSS of the real time clock at one
place only to avoid unforeseen currents running via the guard ring. In addition another
local ground plane on an adjacent PCB layer can be added under the crystal. Also this
ground plane should be isolated from the regular PCB ground plane and connected to
VSS of the RTC. The dimensions of this ground plane shouldn’t be much larger than the
perimeter of the guard ring, but optimally should include the complete crystal and RTC.
Be aware that this ground plane will create parasitic capacitances on the OSCI and
OSCO pins because on the adjacent outer layer the tracks to the crystal will run. A
which is recommended because the smaller dimensions will result in smaller loop area’s.
Both examples use the PCF8563. The same principles apply when one of the other
RTCs is used, with some small modifications due to differences in pinning.
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guard ring
layer 1
ground via
GND area
Fig 15. PCB layout proposal for PCF8563 using SMD components and guard ring
Remark: Take precautions when cleaning PCBs containing tuning fork crystals using
ultrasound. The resonance vibration may damage the crystal. Consult the supplier of the
crystal in case of doubt.
15. Partial circuit switch down
The I2C-bus RTC circuits PCF8563, PCA8565 and PCF8593 have on the pads SDA,
SCL and INT a diode clamping circuit without an upper clamping diode to VDD, refer to
Therefore it is possible to partially switch off VDD such that the RTC is powered down or
working at a lower supply voltage than the rest of the circuit without the risk that via such
(upper) clamping diodes SDA, SCL and INT would be pulled down as well.
The other way around with only the RTC powered in order to keep time and the rest of
the circuit switched off will be a more common situation. If during normal operation the
complete application is powered by a certain VDD of for example 3.3 V or 5 V, then during
standby just the RTC can be operating and powered from a backup source as discussed
PCF8583 has no protection diode from INT to VDD but has protection diodes from the I2C-
bus pins to VDD ! Battery backup will work, but with the RTC powered down the I2C-bus
may get stuck.
The SPI-bus RTC circuits PCF2123 and PCA2125 have on pins SDI and SCL only one
clamping diode from VSS to the pin. On pin SDO an additional clamping diode to VDD is
integrated. This allows for partial circuit switch down where the RTC still runs and the
rest of the application is powered down.
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Fig 16. Protection diodes
16. Hints to keep power consumption low
For some applications low power consumption is a key requirement. Power consumption
can be minimized by applying several measures:
• Select PCF8563 (I2C) or PCF2123 (SPI-bus). The PCF2123 has the lowest power
consumption which is further decreased when a crystal is selected that has a load
capacitance of 7 pF instead of the more standard 12.5 pF (a lower load capacitance
results in a lower power consumption, but not all RTCs allow to select a crystal that
requires a CL in that range);
• Select a crystal with a low motional resistance. The higher the resistance the higher
the losses. For lowest power consumption, aim to find a crystal with R1 < 40 kΩ;
• The timer source clock frequency influences power consumption which is highest at
4096 Hz. The difference in power consumption between the other three clock
frequencies is negligible;
During normal operation a diode charges a super cap of for example 0.47 F or 1 F.
During standby the RTC is supplied by this super cap. General purpose small signal
diodes may have leakage currents in the order of magnitude of the current
consumption of these low power RTCs. In order to maximize the RTC backup time it
is advisable to select a low leakage current diode. See section 13.4;
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• Access the RTC as little as possible in order to reduce the dynamic current
consumption by the I2C-bus or SPI;
• Disable the CLKOUT in battery backup mode. If CLKOUT needs to be enabled select
the pull-up resistor as large as possible. However, CLKOUT enabled will dominate
current consumption and severely limit battery backup time;
• Do not connect the pull-up resistors for the serial interface to VDD of the RTC but
unnecessary battery current drain from the battery via the pull-up resistors. If in
“Power-Off” everything gets powered down except the RTC, the bus lines will often
not be high impedant. In this case current could run from the battery via the pull-up
resistors and the bus to GND which would severely reduce the possible battery
backup time, if the pull-ups were connected to VDD of the RTC;
• Select the I2C-bus pull-up resistors as large as possible. The value of the pull-up
resistors is a compromise between current consumption and maximum clock
frequency. Lower values result in lower RC time constants and thus faster rise time
of the SCL and SDA lines. Using the I2C-bus, data transfers can be made up to
100 kbit/s in Standard-mode and up to 400 kbit/s in Fast-mode. The corresponding
required maximum rise times are 1 μs for Standard-mode and 300 ns for Fast-mode.
The rise time is a product of bus capacitance and the value of the pull-up resistor.
The bus capacitance is the total capacitance of wire, tracks, connections and pins.
First estimate the capacities. Track capacities can be calculated with the standard
formula for a capacitor. Depending on the PCB material used, values for ε may differ.
For this example a track length of 3 cm is assumed, with a track width of 0.5 mm on
a copper backed 0.7 mm strong PC-board made from FR4 glass epoxy.
8.85⋅10 −12 ⋅ 4.6⋅0.03⋅0.0005
ε 0 ⋅ε r ⋅ A
C tr
= 0.9⋅10 − 12
Further capacitances are:
Microcontroller pin capacitance Ci = 7 pF (assumption)
RTC pin capacitance Ci = 7 pF (max value for PCF8563)
Adding these capacitances to the 0.9 pF track capacitance results in a bus
capacitance of 14.9 pF.
Consider the VDD related input threshold of VIH = 0.7VDD and VIL = 0.3VDD for the
purposed of RC time constant calculation. Then V(t) = VDD(1 – e-t/RC), where t is the
time since the charging started and RC is the time constant.
V(t1) = 0.3 x VDD = VDD(1 – e-t1/RC); then t1 = 0.3566749 x RC
V(t2) = 0.7 x VDD = VDD(1 – e-t2/RC); then t2 = 1.2039729 x RC
T = t2 – t1 = 0.8473 x RC
capacitance for Standard-mode, Fast-mode and Fast-mode Plus. For each mode the
P(max) is a function of the rise time maximum and the estimated bus capacitance Cb.
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(1) Standard-mode
(2) Fast-mode
(3) Fast-mode Plus
Fig 17. Rp(max) as a function of bus capacitance
Below Rp(max) is calculated for both Standard-mode and Fast-mode I2C bus. The result
has been rounded down to E6 standard values.
400 kHz I2C bus: RP−400kHz
= 22 kΩ
100 kHz I2C bus: RP−100kHz
= 68 kΩ
Two examples of an application diagram are shown in Fig 18 and Fig 19. In these
examples the INT output is left unused. If used, a pull-up to VDD is required.
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1 F
100 nF
R: pull-up resistor
R =
(I C-bus)
Fig 18. Application diagram 1, I2C-bus interface
The following example is with PCA2125 and SPI interface.
1 F
100 nF
The 1 Farad capacitor is used as a standby/backup supply. With the RTC in its minimum power
configuration i.e. timer off and CLKOUT off, the RTC may operate for several months.
Fig 19. Application diagram 2, SPI interface
Remark: CLKOUT and INT are open drain outputs. If a pull-up resistor is used, it should
not be connected to voltages higher than the maximum operating voltage as specified for
the RTC. If the outputs need to be used to switch signals connected to a higher potential,
it is necessary to use an external transistor.
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17. First period inaccuracy when using the timer
This chapter describes why the programmed delay is not always exactly as expected and
what to do in order to be as accurate as possible. The enable instruction for the timer is
generated by the I2C or SPI interface clock. This clock is asynchronous to the timer
source clock. The timer source clock is derived from the 32.768 kHz crystal frequency.
The consequences will be described here.
The RTCs for which this user manual was written include a countdown timer function,
except PCF8583 and PCF8593. The 8-bit countdown timer is controlled by the timer
control register. The timer control register determines one of 4 source clock frequencies
for the timer (4096 Hz, 64 Hz, 1 Hz or 1/60 Hz), and enables or disables the timer.
Table 10. Timer delays
Range of possible timer delays dependent on selected source clock frequency and n
Timer Source clock frequency
delay for n = 1
244 μs
delay for n = 255
62.256 ms
3.984 s
4096 Hz
64 Hz
15.625 ms
1 s
1 Hz
255 s
1/60 Hz
60 s
4 hrs 15 min
If the timer is not used, set source clock frequency to 1/60 Hz for power saving
Remark: Note that all timings which are generated from the 32.768 kHz oscillator are
based on the assumption that there is 0 ppm deviation. Deviation in oscillator frequency
will result in deviation in timings.
countdown value, n
timer source clock
countdown counter
duration of first timer period after
enable may range from n − 1 to n + 1
In the example it is assumed that the timer flag is cleared before the next countdown period
expires and that the INT is set to pulsed mode
Fig 20. General countdown timer behaviour
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The timer counts down from a software-loaded 8-bit binary value, n. Loading the counter
with 0 effectively stops the timer. Values from 1 to 255 are valid. When the counter
reaches 1, the countdown Timer Flag (TF) will be set and the counter automatically re-
loads and starts the next timer period. The timer has two operating modes, TI and TP. If
the timer interrupt is enabled, the bit TI/TP determines the operating mode. For more
details see below. Reading the timer will return the current value of the countdown
counter (see Fig 20).
If a new value of n is written before the end of the current timer period, then this value will
take immediate effect. It is not recommended (especially when using the faster time
source clocks) to change n without first disabling the counter. The counter is disabled by
setting Timer Enable TE = 0. The update of n is asynchronous to the timer clock,
therefore changing it without setting TE = 0 may result in a corrupted value loaded into
the countdown counter which results in an undetermined countdown period for the first
period. However, the probability of this happening depends on the selected timer source
clock. If the timer clock is not first stopped then there is a possibility that the timer clock
and the interface clock which is loading the count down timer could arrive at the same
time. This may corrupt the count down value. With a 1-minute clock (1/60 Hz) this is
unlikely to happen, especially when the application software waits for the timer to trigger
and then straight away sets a new value for n. As long as this new value is written within
1 minute here, there is no problem. The same reasoning is valid for the other timer
source clocks but obviously there is much less time to do so. If the 1-second clock is
selected this would work too if the microcontroller communicating with the RTC is fast.
For faster timer source clocks it gets unreliable and should be avoided.
Also in the case where the timer clock and the interface clock arrive at the same time
which may corrupt the first count down value, the countdown value n will however be
correctly stored and correctly loaded on subsequent timer periods.
When starting the timer for the first time, the first period will have an uncertainty which is
a result of the enable instruction being generated from the interface clock (I2C or SPI)
which is asynchronous from the timer source clock. Subsequent timer periods will have
no such delay. Therefore only the first timer period will exhibit this uncertainty. The
amount of delay for the first timer period will depend on the chosen source clock, see
Table 11. First period delay for timer counter value n
Timer source clock
4096 Hz
minimum timer period
maximum timer period
n + 1
64 Hz
n + 1
1 Hz
(n-1) + 1/64 Hz
(n-1) + 1/64 Hz
n + 1/64 Hz
n + 1/64 Hz
1/60 Hz
When reading the timer, the current countdown value is returned instead of the initial
value n. For accurate read back of the countdown value, the SPI or I2C bus clock (SCL)
must be operating at a frequency of at least twice the selected timer clock. Since it is not
possible to freeze the countdown timer counter during read back, it is recommended to
read the register twice and check for consistent results.
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As an example, the desired timer period is 5 seconds. If the timer source clock frequency
is set to 1 Hz and n = 5, the minimum possible timer period will be (5-1) + 15.625 ms =
4.015625 s. The maximum possible timer period will be 5 + 15.625 ms = 5.015625 s. The
resulting timer period will have a duration somewhere within these limits.
Similarly, if the desired timer delay is 1 minute, one option would be to chose the timer
source clock 1/60 Hz and set n = 1. However, then there would be only one timer period
and it has an uncertainty. The duration is not exactly defined. A better way is to select the
1 Hz source clock and set n = 60. There will be an uncertainty in the first period too but
the consecutive 59 periods are exact and the resulting total uncertainty is 60 times
The conclusion is that for a given desired delay, minimum uncertainty will be achieved by
choosing a higher setting of n combined with a higher timer source clock.
At the end of every count down the timer sets the Timer Flag (TF). The TF may only be
cleared by software. The asserted TF can be used to generate an interrupt signal on pin
INT provided that this mode is enabled. Refer to the relevant datasheet for details on
how the interrupt can be controlled which is done via certain bits in the control registers.
The timer has two operating modes, TI and TP. If the timer interrupt is enabled, the bit
TI/TP determines the operating mode. If bit TI_TP is set to 1, the chosen timer mode is
‘pulsed’. In this mode an interrupt is generated after the timer period elapses. This is
independent of the timer flag and will thus happen every time the timer periode elapses,
periodically. The clearing of the timer flag is only necessary if TI mode is chosen, if the
consecutive interrupt is to happen. In the TI mode the signal remains permanently high
as long as the Timer Flag is active.
18. Timing requirements for I2C read and write
Reading to and writing from the time and date registers is an event which is controlled by
the interface bus (I2C or SPI) but which is asynchronous to the internal 32.768 kHz clock
of the RTC. It happens at random instants with respect to the automatic update of the
internal registers. Without precautions, two types of read errors could occur when the
time and date registers increment while being read. First, the data could change while a
single register is being read. Second, the data could change during the time between
reading two registers. Assume for example that the clock increments from 09:59:59 to
10:00:00 during a read of the seconds, minutes and hours registers. The time read could
be 10:00:59 and this is incorrect. A similar reasoning applies to writing. Measures must
be taken to prevent such read and write errors. In the NXP RTCs this is realized by
freezing the contents of all counters when one of the RTC registers is read or written.
This is called time counter freeze. Therefore faulty reading of the clock/calendar during a
carry condition is prevented.
starts is depicted.
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This signal stops the time
counters from counting. It is
generated when an I2C
READ or WRITE is initiated.
I2C interface
Time counters
1Hz clocks
I2C watchdog (active low)
This signal resets the I2C
interface if BLOCK remains
active for too long.
Fig 21. Block diagram I2C interface and Time counters
When there is no I2C activity the RTC is counting normally. Once an I2C read or write
operation is initiated, the I2C interface asserts the signal BLOCK. This signal stops the
time counters from counting. Additionally this results in the watchdog no longer being
reset. At the next rising edge of the 1 Hz clock, time does not increment because the
registers have been frozen. However, the watchdog counter increments now. Thus the
increase in time is recorded and after the read operation has completed BLOCK goes
low again. Now the stored clock in the watchdog is used to give an extra pulse to the
time counters to make sure that correct time is kept. Also the watchdog will be reset.
The maximum watchdog value is 2. If at the second rising edge of the 1 Hz clock after a
read operation was initiated, the reading operation has not been completed yet, BLOCK
will still be high. The time counters don’t increase and the watchdog counter increases
and reaches its maximum value. Its output is set active which resets the I2C interface
which in turn resets the BLOCK signal. Again one pulse (not two) is sent to the time
counters and the watchdog is reset. But now two rising edges of the 1 Hz clock didn’t
reach the time counters and only one was compensated for. The RTC looses one
second. The exact sequence of events is depicted in Fig 22.
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Fig 22. Sequence of events (example READ)
From this follows:
• A I2C read must be terminated within one second of initiation;
• The RTC will automatically terminate the read if it remains active for longer than one
• Each time auto termination occurs, the RTC looses one second;
• The signal BLOCK is also active during a write. A write must also last less than one
• BLOCK is necessary for a write since the registers must not update whilst new data
is being written. That is impossible anyway, since the clock is switched from the 1 Hz
clock to the internal I2C clock.
Remark: The RTCs allow to set the word address in order to address a particular
register, for example the seconds register. If the application software is written such that
separate bus accesses are used to read the individual time/date registers it is possible
that after reading/writing those registers the time as read or written by the system
controller is not correct. This is because time counter freeze – implemented to avoid such
errors - is active only during one access, starting from the START condition and ending
when the STOP condition occurs. Now still the errors mentioned in the introduction of this
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chapter could occur. First, the data could change while a single register is being read.
Second, the data could change during the time between reading two registers. Therefore
in order to avoid this from happening it is necessary to read all time registers in one
single read operation, using the auto-increment function. The same goes for writing all
registers in one single write operation when time and date is set.
19. Troubleshooting
This chapter provides some tips to troubleshoot an application if problems are
encountered, for example when a new design is made.
19.1 Oscillator startup time
Assuming that a proper crystal was selected and that the layout guidelines given in this
user manual were followed, the oscillator should start up without problems. As already
mentioned starting times are relatively long due to the very high value of L resulting in a
very high Q-factor. The start-up will mostly take less than a second and should definitely
be achieved within five seconds. Oscillator start-up times are highly dependent on crystal
characteristics and PCB layout. High ESR and excessive capacitive loads are the major
causes of too long start up times, or the oscillator not starting at all. Oscillator start up
depends also on the ambient temperature.
19.2 Checking for oscillation
In order to check whether the oscillator is running, the initial thought may be to connect
an oscilloscope to the oscillator out pin in order to observe the waveform. When dealing
with an RTC this is the wrong thing to do. As pointed out before the oscillator is very
sensitive to disturbance due to the low power it consumes. Adding the probe capacitance
will detune the oscillator which usually will stop it. Sometimes what seems to be a
useable waveform may be seen but it will precisely tell you nothing due to the
capacitance added by the probe. In some cases applying a scope probe can even cause
a faulty oscillator design to start up, hiding design issues.
The simplest way to check for oscillation is to use the CLKOUT. If the design does not
include a pull-up resistor to the CLKOUT, then add one temporarily. Applying a scope
probe to the CLKOUT should reveal a block signal with a frequency that depends on the
settings in the control registers. Don’t forget to first enable CLKOUT. Refer to the
datasheet for details on initializing the RTC.
Another good method is to read the real time clock as time advances and see time
readings adjust accordingly by looking at the seconds register. These methods will
however not work if communicating with the RTC doesn’t work due to problems with the
serial bus.
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19.3 No communication via I2C-bus
When no communication with the RTC is possible, it is also not possible to set and read
time. Normally the I2C-bus will not get stuck, but especially during the development
phase problems may occur that hang up the bus. One reason may be that spikes on the
bus lines are interpreted as additional pulses which then would convey data not in line
with the I2C-protocol. Also timing violations when for example two GPIOs are used to
emulate an I2C-bus sometimes lead to unexpected results. On I2C-devices a scope may
be used to verify whether the RTC sends an acknowledgement at the end of each byte.
Over the past years oscilloscopes have been introduced that allow trigger and decode for
serial bus protocols, including I2C and SPI. Also timing violations can be easily found with
such equipment. These include rise and fall times, setup time, hold times and also
voltage levels.
If the bus gets stuck first it needs to be determined how exactly it is stuck. There are two
“bus stuck scenarios”:
• SCL (clock) stuck low: There is nothing that can be done about this but to hard reset
the device (remove power) because the I2C-bus requires clock edges to clock the
• SDA (data) stuck low, but clock ok: A start condition can’t be sent because this
requires a high to low transition of SDA while SCL is high. SDA however is stuck low.
What will work is to send 9 clocks plus a STOP condition. The 9 clock pulses will
clear the I2C state machine, thus causing the device to release the bus. This permits
the master to send a STOP condition and now the I2C interface of the slave will have
been reset. This works for all I2C compatible devices without exception.
According to the I2C specification there exists a so-called general call address. This is for
addressing every device connected to the I2C-bus at the same time. The general call
address is 00HEX. However, if a device does not need any of the data supplied within the
general call structure, it can ignore this address by not issuing an acknowledgement. An
I2C device does not have to be designed such that it responds to a general call address.
The real time clocks for which this manual is valid do not respond to the general call
Sending the 9 clock pulses with SDA low may seem like sending a general call address
since data is always zero for every clock pulse. The difference however is that no START
condition could be sent first since SDA was already stuck low. Sending the 9 clock
pulses is not the same as sending a general call address. If a device does require data
from a general call address, it will acknowledge this address and behave as a slave
receiver. The master does not actually know how many devices acknowledged if one or
more devices respond. The second and following bytes will be acknowledged by every
slave-receiver capable of handling this data. A slave which cannot process one of these
bytes must ignore it by not-acknowledging. These RTCs will not respond to a general
In short, when the bus is stuck low due to SDA, the sequence to recover the bus is by
sending 9 clock pulses plus STOP.
Remark: Only the PCF8593 includes a dedicated RESET input. When reset occurs only
the I2C-bus interface is reset. Thus for this device a second option of releasing the I2C-
bus is available.
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19.4 Wrong time and date, wrong clock speed
When writing into the RTC registers care has to be taken that only valid values are
written. For example, seconds only should go to 59, but it is possible to write for example
61 into the seconds register. Care needs to be taken that the software routines convert
correctly to the BCD values used in the RTC. If a wrong value is written, at some point
the register will return to a valid value, but then still the time indicated will not be correct,
since the initial write was wrong.
If the clock is running too fast, usually the cause is spurious signals from other parts of
the application that somehow couple into the oscillator signal and are interpreted as
will reduce if temperature decreases or increases with respect to the turn over
temperature. Assuming that the load capacitance fits the crystal selected, the oscillator
will run at 32.768 kHz and can only run slower under influence of temperature.
coupling into the oscillator.
If the RTC runs too slow (or it appears to loose time) make sure that read and write
operations are finalized within 1 second of initiating them. Refer to Chapter 18 “Timing
requirements for I2C read and write”.
20. References
The documents below provide further useful information.
1. Product data sheets of all real time clocks for which this manual is valid.
2. AN10716_1; Background information and theory related to Real Time Clocks and
3. AN10652_1; Improved timekeeping accuracy with PCF8563 using external
temperature sensor. Rev 1, 2 November 2007.
4. UM10204_3; I2C-bus specification and user manual. Rev 3, 19 June 2007.
5. Paper “An improved low power crystal oscillator”, Werner Thommen, EESCIR’99,
Duisburg, Sept. 1999, pp. 146-149.
6. Epson Toyocom, Crystal Devices Catalogue “The crystal master”, 2007.
7. Micro Crystal, Product Catalog Quartz Crystals 2008.
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21. Legal information
Suitability for use — NXP Semiconductors products are not designed,
authorized or warranted to be suitable for use in medical, military, aircraft,
space or life support equipment, nor in applications where failure or
malfunction of a NXP Semiconductors product can reasonably be expected
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NXP Semiconductors products in such equipment or applications and
therefore such inclusion and/or use is for the customer’s own risk.
21.1 Definitions
Draft — The document is a draft version only. The content is still under
internal review and subject to formal approval, which may result in
modifications or additions. NXP Semiconductors does not give any
representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of
information included herein and shall have no liability for the consequences
of use of such information.
Applications — Applications that are described herein for any of these
products are for illustrative purposes only. NXP Semiconductors makes no
representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the
specified use without further testing or modification.
21.2 Disclaimers
General — Information in this document is believed to be accurate and
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21.3 Trademarks
Notice: All referenced brands, product names, service names and
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Right to make changes — NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make
changes to information published in this document, including without
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22. Contents
Legal information..............................................51
Definitions ........................................................51
Disclaimers ......................................................51
Century and leap year, Daylight Saving Time.25
Century tracking...............................................25
Year and leap year tracking .............................25
Daylight Saving Time (DST).............................25
Initialization and setting of alarm and timer....26
Initialization of the RTC and setting the time....26
Setting the timer...............................................29
Backup power supply .......................................30
Lithium Primary cells........................................30
NiCd and NiMH secondary batteries................32
Charging the backup capacitor.........................34
Estimation of backup time with capacitor .........34
Diode selection.................................................35
PCB layout guidelines ......................................36
Partial circuit switch down...............................38
Hints to keep power consumption low............39
First period inaccuracy when using the timer 43
Timing requirements for I2C read and write....45
Oscillator startup time ......................................48
Checking for oscillation ....................................48
No communication via I2C-bus.........................49
Wrong time and date, wrong clock speed ........50
Please be aware that important notices concerning this document and the product(s)
described herein, have been included in the section 'Legal information'.
© NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
For sales office addresses, email to:
Date of release: 23 December 2008
Document identifier: UM10301_1
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