Quick Guide
9222-2721-11 SY-A308/ME-0308
Names of parts.......................................................................................................................................4
Getting up and running...........................................................................................................................5
Camera setup............................................................................................................................5
Using the custom recording menu.............................................................................................7
From annotation to mailing.....................................................................................................................8
Recording main images for annotation .....................................................................................8
Image annotation.......................................................................................................................9
Audio annotation......................................................................................................................11
Creating .mdm files from camera images ...............................................................................14
Opening the annotation window..............................................................................................16
Adding text comments.............................................................................................................17
Saving .mdm files ....................................................................................................................18
Printing .mdm files...................................................................................................................19
Sending .mdm files by e-mail ..................................................................................................20
Text recording and processing .............................................................................................................22
Text recording ..........................................................................................................................22
Processing text images ...........................................................................................................23
Printing text images.................................................................................................................26
Minolta, The essentials of imaging, and DiMAGE are trademarks or registered trademarks of Minolta
Co., Ltd. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United
States and other countries. The official name of Windows is Microsoft Windows Operating System. All
other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
* This camera is a sophisticated optical instrument. Care should be taken to keep these surfaces
Main switch (p.7)
Shutter-release button
Microphone (p. 12)
Mode dial (p. 7, 8)
USB-port (p. 14)
chamber door (p.
LCD monitor*
Charger contacts*
Display button (p. 13)
Quick View /
Delete button (p. 13)
Menu button (p. 13)
Manual reference page
DiMAGE Xt - Names of parts, 12-13
Camera setup
1. Charge the lithium-ion battery. The battery can be charged when
installed in the camera or by itself.
2. Open the battery-chamber door as shown.
3. Insert the battery into the battery chamber. Read the safety warn-
ings in page 3 in the Xt manual.
4. Insert a memory card into the card slot. Read the information about
handling the card in the Xt manual.
5. Turn on the camera.
6. Turn the mode dial to the setup mode to set the date and time using
the menu.
Manual reference page
DiMAGE Xt - Inserting the lithium-ion battery, 14-15. Installing and removing a memory card, p.18,
About memory cards, 19. Setting the date and time, 20-21.
Annotation: To link images, audio, or text to a specific image as comments.
Comments: Images, audio tracks, or text in an .mdm file used in reference to a main image.
Image and audio comments are created automatically from the linked image and audio
tracks when camera annotation files are opened in the DiMAGE Biz Software (p. 15).
Linked image, Linked audio track: Images or audio tracks linked to a main image as com-
ments in the camera. Linked images can be recorded in the camera’s image annotation
mode (p. 9), and linked audio in the audio annotation mode (p. 11).
Main image: An image with linked text, audio, or image comments. A recorded image in the
camera can have image and audio files linked to it. Additionally, text comments can be
added with the DiMAGE Biz Software.
.mdm file: An annotation file created from a main image with linked images, audio tracks, or
text (p. 14). An .mdm file is created directly with the DiMAGE Biz Software or when camera
annotation files are opened in the application. An .mdm file can be viewed, edited, printed,
and e-mailed using software.
Text recording: To record images of text, graphics, line art or photographs on a white back-
ground with the camera’s text-recording mode (p. 22) to be processed with the DiMAGE Biz
Camera Notes
Images captured by a camera other than the DiMAGE Xt Biz may be incorrectly marked with
the main-image and text-recording indicators on the camera. JPEG and TIFF images must
have 4:3 proportions to be used. Non-camera images can be converted for camera use with
the DiMAGE Biz Software.
Using the custom recording menu
The custom recording menu is the gateway to annotation and text recording. This menu accesses
three custom recording modes: image annotation, audio annotation, and text recording.
Turn the camera on by pressing the main switch near
the shutter-release button (1).
Turn the mode dial to the recording position (2). The
camera is set to the standard recording mode as
described in the Xt camera manual.
Press and hold the center button of the controller for one
second to open the custom recording menu.
Use the left/right and up/down keys to highlight the
appropriate recording mode.
Press the center button of the controller to select the
Custom recording menu
Standard recording mode: Used to for general pho-
tography and to record the main image used for anno-
tation (p. 8).
Image-annotation mode: To record and link images to
a main image (p. 9).
Audio-annotation mode: To record and link audio to a
main image (p. 11).
Text-recording mode: To record images of text,
graphics, and line art (p. 22).
Still images and audio tracks can be linked by the camera. This section explains the procedure, and
introduces how to make an .mdm file and send it with the DiMAGE Biz Software.
Camera operation
Record main image (p. 8)
Link images or audio in camera
Select main image (p. 9, 11)
Select area on main image (p. 10, 12)
Capture images (p. 11) or
audio (p. 12) annotations
Software processing
Connect camera to computer
(p. 14)
Create .mdm file from camera
images (p. 15)
Add comments to .mdm file
(p. 16-17)
Save / Print .mdm file (p. 18, 19)
Send .mdm file by e-mail (p. 20)
Recording main images for annotation
Main images are recorded in the standard recording mode before being annotated. Images with voice
memo or audio captions cannot be used.
Select the standard-recording mode from the custom recording menu (p. 7).
Standard-recording mode indicator
A live image is displayed on the monitor.
Compose the image and press the shutter-
release button to take the picture. For infor-
mation on recording images see the
DiMAGE Xt manual.
Manual reference page
DiMAGE Xt - Recording mode - basic operation, 22-30. Recording - advanced operation, 36-53.
Image annotation
Images are linked to a main image in the image-annotation mode. Up to ten images can be attached.
The main image must be recorded before being annotated. Continuous advance or voice memo can-
not be used in the image-annotation mode.
Select the image-annotation mode from the custom recording menu (p. 7). The main-
image selection screen appears.
Main-image selection screen
Main-image indicator - image annotations are linked to
this image.
Image-annotation mode
Main-image indicator - audio annotations are linked to
this image.
Linked-image indicator - the image is linked to a main
Audio indicator - the image has a voice memo or audio
caption, or it is an audio file.
Text-mode indicator - the image was captured in the
text-recording mode.
: enter
: custom
Movie indicator - the file is a movie file.
E-mail Copy indicator - the image was created with the E-mail Copy function.
Use the left/right and up/down keys of the controller to highlight the main image with the
yellow border.
Press the center of the controller to select the highlighted image.
To return to the custom recording menu, press and hold the center of the controller for one second.
Notes on annotation
The following files cannot be used as main images.
Main images with ten linked images or audio tracks
Images with voice memos or audio captions
Movie clips
Audio tracks
E-mail Copy files
A linked image can be selected as a main image for an annotation series; the linked-image
indicator changes to a main-image indicator. The link to the first annotation series is not lost.
The image will be used as a linked image in the first annotation series and the main image
for the second series. When the files are downloaded to the DiMAGE Biz Software, two anno-
tation files are created.
The annotation screen with the selected main image is dis-
played with a red area marquee. The subsequent picture is
linked to the area in the marquee.
Annotation screen
Use the left/right and up/down keys of the con-
troller to move the marquee.
:size :enter
Pressing the display button switches the marquee between
the entire and local image areas.
:size :enter
Press the center of the controller to select the area. The live
image is displayed.
Compose the image to be linked. Press the shutter-release button to take the
annotation image.
Manual reference page
DiMAGE Xt - Recording mode - basic operation, 22-30. Recording - advanced operation, 36-53.
The main image is displayed again. The yellow marquee indicates the previ-
ous marquee position. The red marquee is for the next linked image. Repeat
the procedure to capture subsequent images.
:size :enter
To exit the image-annotation mode, press the center of the controller for one second. To return to the
main-image selection screen, press the menu button.
Audio annotation
Audio is linked to a main image in the audio-annotation mode. Up to ten audio tracks can be linked.
Up to ten minutes of audio can be recorded at one time. The main image must be captured before
being annotated.
Select the audio-annotation mode from the custom recording menu (p. 7). The main-
image selection screen appears.
Main-image selection screen
Audio-annotation mode
Use the left/right and up/down keys of the con-
troller to highlight the main image with the yellow
Press the center of the controller to select the
highlighted image.
To return to the custom recording menu, press and
hold the center of the controller for one second.
: enter
: custom
See page 9 for an explanation of thumbnail indicators. See page 10 for notes on annotation.
The annotation screen with the selected main image is dis-
played with a red area marquee. The subsequent audio track
is linked to the area in the marquee.
Annotation screen
Use the left/right and up/down keys of the con-
troller to move the area marquee.
Pressing the display button switches the marquee between
the entire and local image areas.
Press the center of the controller to select the area. The audio stand-by screen is
In the stand-by screen, press the shutter-release button to begin recording.
The frame counter displays the elapsed time; during the last ten seconds,
the counter will turn red and count down the time. The recording stops
when the shutter-release button is pressed again or the remaining time has
Press shutter button to
When making audio recordings, be careful not to touch or cover
the microphone. For best results, hold the camera approximately
20cm (8in) from your mouth.
Recording audio.
Press shutter button to stop.
The main image is displayed again. The yellow marquee indicates the previ-
ous marquee position. The red marquee is for the next linked audio track.
Repeat the procedure to record subsequent tracks. The audio files are
stored in WAV format on the memory card, but they do not appear in the
main-image selection screen.
To exit the audio-annotation mode, press the center of the controller for one second. To return to the
main-image selection screen, press the menu button.
Annotation controls
Display button
The display button changes the display format. Each
time the button is pressed the display format cycles
through the following formats.
Main-image selection screen (p. 9, 11)
Single-frame playback (full-display)
Single-frame playback (image only)
Main-image selection screen
Annotation screen (p. 10, 12)
Entire image-area marquee
Local area marquee
Quick View, Delete button
Recorded images and audio tracks can be played back and deleted with the
Quick View/Delete button from the main-image selection screen and annotation screen.
For more about Quick View, see the Xt manual.
Only linked audio tracks can be played back in Quick View
from the audio-annotation screen. Press the center of the
controller to begin the playback. To pause, press the con-
troller again. A linked audio track cannot be deleted.
Pause Rew Fwd Vol
Menu button
To exit Quick View, press the menu button. The menu-but-
ton indicator at the bottom right of the monitor indicates
the current screen can be closed by pressing the menu
Menu-button indicator
Manual reference page
DiMAGE Xt - Viewing images, Deleting single images, 33. Playing back movies and audio
recordings, 61.
Creating .mdm files from camera images
An annotation series captured by the camera can be converted automatically by the DiMAGE Biz
Software to an .mdm annotation file. See the DiMAGE Biz Software manual for installation instruc-
Start up the computer.
Insert the memory card containing the files into the camera (p.
Connect the camera to the computer. Insert the small plug of
the USB cable into the camera, and attach the other end of
the USB cable to the computer’s USB port. Make sure the
plugs are firmly attached. If “initializing USB connection” mes-
sage does not disappear from the LCD monitor, the cable may have not been attached properly.
Select the DiMAGE Biz Software from the
DiMAGE Biz Software folder in the pro-
grams option of the start menu to start the
application and open the main window. If
the software was
installed in a dif-
ferent location,
open it from
Main window
Manual reference page
DiMAGE Biz Software - System Requirements, 5. Before installing the software, 5.
Installation, 6-8. Starting up, 9.
DiMAGE Xt - Connecting the camera to a computer, 84-85. Disconnecting the camera from a
computer, 92-93.
Select My computer > Removable Disk > DCIM > 10xMLT18 main win-
dow folder tree. The name of the folder containing the image varies with
camera settings.The images in the selected folder on the camera’s
memory card are displayed.
Folder tree
A message asking if you wish to
create an .mdm file appears. Click
OK to create the .mdm file. If the
message does not appear, an
annotated file was not created on
the camera or the .mdm files have
already been created.
Select a folder in the computer to store the .mdm files. An
.mdm file for each annotation series is created. Click the
save button.
Using the folder tree, select the folder
where the .mdm files are stored. If the
folder is not found, select the update
option from the view menu to update the
tree. The thumbnails of the .mdm files
are displayed in the file display area.
Manual reference page
DiMAGE Biz Software - Showing thumbnail images - Opening camera images, 10-14.
Opening the annotation window
To open the annotation window, select an image in
the main window and click the annotation button or
select the view-comment option from the file menu.
Double-clicking on an .mdm thumbnail or dragging
and dropping the image onto the annotation button
also opens the annotation window.
File display area
Annotation button
Annotation window
Menu bar
Tool bar
Main image
Title text box
Comment text box
Comment check box
Text comment
Comment display area
Manual reference page
DiMAGE Biz Software - Annotation window, 28-30.
Adding text comments
Text comments can be added to the main image in the annotation window.
Click the desired area marquee from the tool bar (1),
or select the area-marquee option in the view menu.
Area marquees
Click and drag the mouse to place a red marquee over
the area to be described with a comment (2).
To change the defined area, click and drag the mouse
again; the previous marquee is canceled.
Click the text tab. Click on the comment text box to
place the cursor and enter a comment (3). Up to 512
characters can be used for each comment.
The clear button deletes all text in the comment text
box and the red marquee in the image.
Click the add button to add the comment to the com-
ment display area (4).
Repeat steps one through four to add additional comments. Up to 256 comments can be added to an
The text comments can be edited. Image and audio comments can be added as well as text com-
ments. Refer to the DiMAGE Biz Software instruction manual.
Manual reference page
DiMAGE Biz Software - Adding text comments, 34-35. Adding audio comments, 36-37. Adding
image comments, 37. Adding nested comments, 38. Editing .mdm files, 41-43.
Saving .mdm files
After adding or editing comments, save the .mdm file.
To save the .mdm file overwriting the
original data, click the save button or
select the save option from the file
menu. When the save command is
used with an existing .mdm file, a
warning to replace the file will appear.
Click the OK button to save changes to
the file.
Save as
To save the .mdm file under a different
name or in a different folder, select the
save-as option from the file menu.
In the save-as window, specify the
location to save the file and enter the
file name. Click the save button to
complete the operation.
Manual reference page
DiMAGE Biz Software - Saving .mdm files, 44-45.
Printing .mdm files
The print routine automatically lays out the
images and text. In the annotation window, click
the print button or select the print option from the
file menu.
The print-preview window opens. Select the appropriate parameters and settings in the dialog win-
dow. Click the print button to open the print dialog box.
Print-preview window
Color-coded area marquees
Date of printing
Main image
Image details
Page number /
Total number of pages
Printer settings can be changed.
Print button
The font can be specified.
Manual reference page
DiMAGE Biz Software - Printing, 46-48.
Set print options, and click the OK button to
start printing.
Sending .mdm files by e-mail
.mdm files can be sent by e-mail. Only MAPI compatible e-mail applications can be used and must
be installed on your computer. This allows mail to be sent from other applications. Microsoft Outlook
Express can be used.
With the file to be sent open in the annotation
window, click the mail button, or select the mail
option from the file menu.
Manual reference page
DiMAGE Biz Software - Sending by e-mail, 49-50.
The mail dialog box appears.
When the recipient does not have DiMAGE Biz Software,
check this box; DiMAGE Messenger Reader is attached to
the mail. DiMAGE Messenger Reader allows the recipient to
view files, copy the main image, play back audio, and print
the file. However, new comments cannot be added.
When this is checked, the main image is resized to 1024 x 768 (XGA), and image comments are
resized to 640 x 480 (VGA).
Click the OK button.
The MAPI-compatible e-mail appli-
cation will start up. The .mdm file is
attached automatically.
Enter the address, subject, main text
etc. and send the e-mail. Do not quit
the DiMAGE Biz Software before
sending the mail; it may cause an
error. Refer to the e-mail applica-
tion’s instruction manual for details
on operation.
Images of text, line art, or photographs on white backgrounds are low in contrast making the back-
ground gray and muddy and the black letters and lines smokey. The camera’s text-recording mode
allows the images to be processed on the DiMAGE Biz Software to improve the appearance and legi-
bility of images of two-dimensional art.
Text recording
Select the text-recording mode from the custom recording menu (p. 7). The live
image appears.
Text-recording mode indicator
Frame the subject. The picture should be taken within 45º
degrees from perpendicular for the software’s perspective con-
trol function to be effective. Press the shutter-release button to
take the picture.
If the vertical and horizontal axes of the subject are not clear,
include the edges of the artwork or place guides to help to
define the perspectives with the software. Uneven illumination,
reflections, or overexposure with flash or other light sources
may also prevent the software from being effective.
Processing text images
The text image files can be processed to improve the appearance and legibility of images of two-
dimensional in the DiMAGE Biz Software.
Connect the camera to the computer and start up the DiMAGE Biz Software (p. 14).
Select the folder containing the text image
from the folder tree in the main window. The
images in the folder are displayed.
To open the text window, select the image in
the main window and click the text button or
select the text image-processing option from
the file menu. Double-clicking on an image with
the text-mode indicator also opens the text
window. The window can also be opened by
dragging and dropping the image onto the text
Manual reference page
DiMAGE Biz Software - Text window, 65-71.
Text window
Menu bar
Tool bar
Basic apply button
Advanced apply button
check box
Display area
Undo button
Perspective control straightens
images of two-dimensional art-
work taken at an angle. Click the
perspective-control check box to
activate the function, uncheck
the box to disable it (1).
Perspective is adjusted with the
rubber band (2). The rubber
band should line up with the hor-
izontal and vertical image ele-
ments in the image. Click and
drag on the black squares at the
corner of the rubber band to
adjust the shape. The area out-
side the rubber band will be
deleted when processing is
Select the appropriate processing mode and click the corresponding apply button. See the next page
Basic: For images of black text on a white background. This is not appropriate for images with small
characters, fine detail, photographs, or continuous-tone illustrations.
Advanced, text/line art: For images of black text and line art on a white background. This is not
appropriate for images with photographs or continuous-tone illustrations.
Advanced, continuous tone: For images of photographs or continuous-tone illustrations on a white
The result of the processing is applied
immediately. The illustration on the left
shows the results of perspective control. If
the result is not satisfactory, click the undo
button or select the undo option from the
edit menu.
Processing is additive. Each time an apply
button is clicked, processing is applied to
the current image. The more the process-
ing is applied, the stronger the results will
be. The undo button can only cancel the
last processing operation.
To save the image file with a different
name or in a different folder, select the
save-as option from the file menu. In the
save-as window, specify the location to
save the file, enter the file name, and
select the file type, then click the save but-
To overwrite the current file, click the save
button on the tool bar, or select the save
option from the file menu. The image will
be saved in its original location.
Printing text images
In the text window, click the print button on
the tool bar, or select the print option from
the file menu.
Set the print size. Choose either radio button:
Resolution: Enter one of the three values; the
other two values change automatically.
Size to page: The image is resized to fit to the
paper size automatically.
Image information can be shown or hidden
using the display-image-information radio button.
The font can be changed when the font button is
clicked. Printer settings can be changed when
the printer-setup button is clicked.
Click the print button. The print dialog box appears.
Set the print options, and click the OK button.
JPEG images taken by a DiMAGE Xt Biz digital camera can be checked to see if they have been
revised or modified.
Select the files to be validated. Single or multiple files
can be selected.
Click on the validation button or select the data-vali-
dation option from the validation menu.
One of the following tags appears by the image:
Data has not been modified.
Data has been modified.
Cannot confirm if data has been modified or
To delete the validation tag, select the clear-tag
option from the validation menu.
Manual reference page
DiMAGE Biz Software - Validation, 19.
©2003 Minolta Co., Ltd. under the Berne Convention and the Universal Copyright Convention.
9222-2721-11 SY-A308/ME-0308
Printed in Germany
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